
Welcome aboard, Ken (1-1)

Welcome aboard, Ken (1-1)

4/9/2009 Dear Ken Macha, Welcome aboard! How does it feel to be a Milwaukee Brewer? We’re so glad you’re here; it’s great to see someone that’s not Ned Yost in the dugout this spring. I don’t know if you followed the Brewers last year, but ol’ Nedly was run out of town when his playoffs-bound ball club nearly derailed at the end of last season. So live up your not-Ned honeymoon – it should last at least through May or so. I’m familiar with your work in Oakland, so I know you’re a playoffs-type guy. That’s good; we’re all expecting playoffs in Milwaukee after our taste in ’08. Other more pessimistic bloggers are predicting a .500 season. Not me, and I know not you either. You took a lot of guff for starting Jeff Suppan opening day. Admittedly, yeah, I thought it was a weird move. Jeff’s a good guy and a veteran; he came with a pedigree to be ice-cold in big games. But you’ll learn he puts an inordinate amount of runners on base, and that’s frankly annoying. You’ll catch on, and probably become annoyed too. I like your aggressiveness running the bases, and the way you deked-out the FSN guys talking about your “conservative” approach. Very sneaky. I’m glad to see Ryan Braun and Mike Cameron attempt steals; it brings me back to the run-and-gun days of Tom Trebelhorn. Also, thank you for having a short string with relief pitchers who can’t find the strike zone. Nedly used to let pitchers have focus meltdowns on the mound. When you pulled Mitch Stetter after walking one batter in the 7th inning last night, it was a relief. Thanks. I think the two-hole is a great place for Corey Hart. He’ll see better pitches and maybe he won’t be so apt to flail at garbage like he did at the end of last year. Stick with him. Please tell Ricky Weeks to set an example for Little Leaguers and catch pop flies with TWO HANDS! Makes me nervous otherwise. You know that Yovani Gallardo is your staff ace. What you might not know is he can bat fifth — did you see what he did with that Randy Johnson fastball last night? Something to consider. Tell Prince Fielder and Bill Hall to lay off the high ones. That’s all for now. Go out at take this series from the Giants, and we’ll see you this weekend. Thanks again, and welcome aboard! Sincerely, A. Lovinus

Plenty of Horne: Wisconsin Prominent in SI Coverage This Week
Plenty of Horne

Wisconsin Prominent in SI Coverage This Week

Sports Illustrated is loaded with Wisconsin ties this week, both in print and on the internet – and we’re not even talking about the first place Brewers.