
Op Ed: Why Sensenbrenner Must Be Defeated
Op Ed

Why Sensenbrenner Must Be Defeated

As a physician and non-politician, I favor common-sense changes rejected by a career politician.

Walker Signs Waiver to Lower ACA Costs

Walker Signs Waiver to Lower ACA Costs

Democrats charge his approach is a “sabotage of health care law."

Op Ed: The Impact of Medicare and Medicaid
Op Ed

The Impact of Medicare and Medicaid

Countless millions have benefitted. But Republicans want to slash the benefits.

Swarms of Mosquitoes Plague State

Swarms of Mosquitoes Plague State

Insects thriving due do mild winter and hot rainy summer.

State’s Birth Rate Has Declined 22%

State’s Birth Rate Has Declined 22%

Lowest level since 1989, state now ranks 38th in birth rate, new study shows.

Warning Residents of Lead Dangers

Warning Residents of Lead Dangers

Door-to-door workers allied with Hunger Task Force teach Amani residents about possible problems.

Cities Have $2.25 Billion Benefits Shortfall

Cities Have $2.25 Billion Benefits Shortfall

Report finds huge unfunded health care benefits for Milwaukee's, other cities’ workers.

Synthetic Marijuana Raises Alarms

Synthetic Marijuana Raises Alarms

Can be spiked with rat poison, police and health officials seek to prevent sale.

A Map of Wisconsin Obesity

A Map of Wisconsin Obesity

Highest in rural areas, but researchers sill filling in data for some zip codes.

Meth A Bigger Issue Than Opioids?

Meth A Bigger Issue Than Opioids?

New state report looks at drug use and treatment efforts.

College Campuses Going Smoke-Free

College Campuses Going Smoke-Free

National trend includes 23 colleges in state, Marquette and MATC.

Op Ed: Walker, Trump Oppose Affordable Care
Op Ed

Walker, Trump Oppose Affordable Care

Every action they’ve taken aims to destroy Affordable Care Act.