
Daily: Wisconsin Ends Week With 1,412 New COVID-19 Cases, Surge in Testing

Wisconsin Ends Week With 1,412 New COVID-19 Cases, Surge in Testing

Despite testing boost, state still has almost three times the capacity.

Historical Society Would Like Your Pandemic Journals

Historical Society Would Like Your Pandemic Journals

Entries will become part of historical record documenting life during the pandemic.

State Manufacturers Shift to Pandemic Supplies

State Manufacturers Shift to Pandemic Supplies

Ramping up production of face masks, ventilators, hospital beds and hand sanitizer.

Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers Draws Praise for Work Addressing COVID-19

Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers Draws Praise for Work Addressing COVID-19

Organization provided tests for over two-thirds of cases on south side. Officials say it is slowing spread.

Federal Regulators Target State’s Meatpackers

Federal Regulators Target State’s Meatpackers

Wisconsin has 5 meatpacking plants where workers tested positive for COVID-19.

Daily: COVID-19 Testing Remains High, Positive Case Rate Surges 28%

COVID-19 Testing Remains High, Positive Case Rate Surges 28%

Brown County passes Milwaukee County for highest case rate. State reports biggest one day case increase.

At Least 40 COVID-19 Cases Tied to Election in Milwaukee

At Least 40 COVID-19 Cases Tied to Election in Milwaukee

Number up five-fold from Monday, final report still pending.

Hospitals Begin Rescheduling Surgeries Postponed During Pandemic

Hospitals Begin Rescheduling Surgeries Postponed During Pandemic

Medical care not deemed essential was halted in mid-March, saving hospital capacity for COVID-19 patients.

Daily: COVID-19 Testing Jumps Over 50 Percent To New Record, Cases Rise as Positive Rate Falls

COVID-19 Testing Jumps Over 50 Percent To New Record, Cases Rise as Positive Rate Falls

Over 3,400 tests performed in last 24 hours, 304 new positive cases.

Op Ed: The Lethal Idiocy of MacIver Institute
Op Ed

The Lethal Idiocy of MacIver Institute

“Freedom” and the “free market” won’t solve the pandemic. It will spread the disease.

1 in 7 Workers File For Unemployment During Pandemic

1 in 7 Workers File For Unemployment During Pandemic

Unemployment continues to rise in Wisconsin and across the country.

Conservative Groups Twist Coronavirus Facts

Conservative Groups Twist Coronavirus Facts

Think tank MacIver Institute and grassroots group #ReopenWisconsin misuse the data on COVID-19 for political ends.