
City Streets: Greenfield Ave and Bias Against Poles
City Streets

Greenfield Ave and Bias Against Poles

It was the northern border of city’s Polish community, which suffered horrible prejudice.

Court Watch: Why Courts Have Limited Photo ID
Court Watch

Why Courts Have Limited Photo ID

Two recent cases have made Wisconsin ground zero for voting rights.

WisTax: Municipal Spending Highest Since 2011

Municipal Spending Highest Since 2011

Rises by 1.8% for second straight year, but drops by 6.6% in Milwaukee.

Op-Ed: Cars Do NOT Own the Road

Cars Do NOT Own the Road

Hit-and-run driver kills bicyclist in Dane County. TV reporter asks why bicyclist was on the road.

Bar Exam: Club Brady Has 130-Year History
Bar Exam

Club Brady Has 130-Year History

There's been a tavern in odd trapezoidal building since 1885. Blame it on the lake.

Sponsored: We’re Giving Away More than $2500 This Summer!

We’re Giving Away More than $2500 This Summer!

Hupy and Abraham is inviting everyone a chance to win extra cash this summer! One $500, $250 and $100 winner will be selected each month. You can enter as many times as you would like through the following methods: 1. Twitter: Tweet this page. 2. Facebook: Like us on Facebook and share this contest page. 3. Enter Drawing: Complete the form by Clicking Here

Wisconsin Budget: Public Sector Costs Rank Below Most States
Wisconsin Budget

Public Sector Costs Rank Below Most States

State ranks 47th in government employees per capita and 39th in payroll costs.

City “Can’t Police” Away Its Violence

City “Can’t Police” Away Its Violence

Local leaders call for comprehensive solution to gun violence in Milwaukee.

Op-Ed: Anti-Trade Movement Will Hurt State

Anti-Trade Movement Will Hurt State

Wisconsin is a net exporter of products, yet Trump, Clinton, Feingold oppose global trade pacts.

Plenty of Horne: Last Site at Kane Commons Getting Built
Plenty of Horne

Last Site at Kane Commons Getting Built

Single family home is last piece in complicated, $4 million real estate jigsaw puzzle.

Murphy’s Law: 19 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

19 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, behind the scenes. who won, who lost?

Corporations Pour Money Into State Politics

Corporations Pour Money Into State Politics

They spend nearly $300,000 in first four months of 2016 to elect favored candidates.