
MKE County: County Selects Auditor For Jail Death Inquiry
MKE County

County Selects Auditor For Jail Death Inquiry

Texas-based Creative Corrections will handle inquiry, pending board approval of a contract.

Maya Ophelia’s to Close Next Month

Maya Ophelia’s to Close Next Month

The vegan concept, currently stationed at The Mothership, will serve its final customers on June 30.

Company Brewing Is Closed

Company Brewing Is Closed

Riverwest brewery and restaurant announced shutdown on Tuesday, just weeks after celebrating ninth anniversary.

Sponsored: Grand Finale of the North American Competition with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

Grand Finale of the North American Competition with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

Bradley Symphony Center: Pre-Concert Events include “Piano Promenades,” a showcase for semifinalists performing favorite works; “Concerto Conversations;” and ”Meet the Finalists” • The Grand Finale features three finalists performing in the exciting final round of concerto performances with MSO and Conductor Yaniv Dinur • Awards follow • Tuesday, June 4 • Pre-Concert Events at 4:30 pm, Concerto Finale at 7:30 pm • Tickets: $15 and $25

Dane County Judge Hears Arguments in Lawsuit Challenging Act 10

Dane County Judge Hears Arguments in Lawsuit Challenging Act 10

2011 state law decimated collective bargaining rights for most public sector workers.

Data Wonk: Which Party Has Done More to Increase Federal Debt?
Data Wonk

Which Party Has Done More to Increase Federal Debt?

Ron Johnson has pushed hard on this issue. What has been the result?

MKE County: County Board Officially Recognizes Denim Day
MKE County

County Board Officially Recognizes Denim Day

New supervisor pushes resolution for day to 'stand against sexual assault and violence.'

Murphy’s Law: Common Ground Gets National Attention
Murphy’s Law

Common Ground Gets National Attention

Group’s battle with city housing authority becoming embarrassing for Milwaukee.

Area Businesses Hosting Pride Month Events

Area Businesses Hosting Pride Month Events

Pizza, drag shows, tattoos and more on tap for Pride Month in June.

Vos Critics Submit Recall Petitions Again

Vos Critics Submit Recall Petitions Again

They claim to have more than 9,000 signatures. Earlier effort this year to recall Assembly Speaker Robin Vos fell short.

Former Top Election Official Signs Settlement With City

Former Top Election Official Signs Settlement With City

Claire Woodall will serve in remote, 'associate director' role until early August.

Sponsored: Grand Finale of the North American Competition with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

Grand Finale of the North American Competition with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

Bradley Symphony Center: Pre-Concert Events include “Piano Promenades,” a showcase for semifinalists performing favorite works; “Concerto Conversations;” and ”Meet the Finalists” • The Grand Finale features three finalists performing in the exciting final round of concerto performances with MSO and Conductor Yaniv Dinur • Awards follow • Tuesday, June 4 • Pre-Concert Events at 4:30 pm, Concerto Finale at 7:30 pm • Tickets: $15 and $25