
New Strides for Water Technology

New Strides for Water Technology

High-level filtration system helps dramatize Milwaukee Water Week.

Op Ed: State’s Impaired Waters Growing
Op Ed

State’s Impaired Waters Growing

Hundreds added each year. DNR staff and enforcement way down.

Murphy’s Law: The Muzzling of the DNR
Murphy’s Law

The Muzzling of the DNR

Gagged by the Walker administration, its staff no longer provide any information.

Op Ed: Why Walker Killed DNR Magazine
Op Ed

Why Walker Killed DNR Magazine

Too popular? Or too many stories promoting recycling and clean water?

How to Create 3,000 Urban Gardens

How to Create 3,000 Urban Gardens

Non-profit Victory Gardens Initiative fills city’s food deserts with fresh produce.

Will South Korea Partner With City?

Will South Korea Partner With City?

Daegu, South Korea wants to be a water tech sister city. City panel says yes.

The Environmental Mayor Holds Forth

The Environmental Mayor Holds Forth

Barrett keeps pushing for green solutions despite opposing political winds.

Op Ed: The Un-Greening of Wisconsin
Op Ed

The Un-Greening of Wisconsin

Walker policies help political donors, hurt environment. Trump could pile on.

Biogas Producers Face Barriers

Biogas Producers Face Barriers

State has 38 biodigesters, but many have problems getting gas to the market.

Op Ed: State PSC Doesn’t Listen to Citizens
Op Ed

State PSC Doesn’t Listen to Citizens

Concerns about the environment, about transmission lines, get ignored.

Biking: More Biking Fights Climate Change

More Biking Fights Climate Change

3% increase would save 33 million tons of carbon dioxide per year.

Campaign Cash: Big Ag Wants High Capacity Wells
Campaign Cash

Big Ag Wants High Capacity Wells

$152,000 campaign donations, $183,000 lobbying by potato, vegetable growers.