
How MPS Handles Death of a Student

How MPS Handles Death of a Student

System’s Crisis Response Team called on in sad death of young Sandra Parks.

Data Wonk: Gap Grows Between MPS and Charter, Choice
Data Wonk

Gap Grows Between MPS and Charter, Choice

State school report cards since 2014 tell the tale. Are there solutions for MPS?

Financial Education Class Helps Poorer Residents

Financial Education Class Helps Poorer Residents

150 graduates this year of city and WWBIC program for those with public housing, rent assistance.

The Contrarian: Let the Debate Over Vouchers Begin
The Contrarian

Let the Debate Over Vouchers Begin

Tony Evers ran against school choice. But his DPI data shows choice and charter schools do better.

Data Wonk: What State School Report Cards Tell Us
Data Wonk

What State School Report Cards Tell Us

Measuring charter and choice schools against MPS is revealing.

Op Ed: Is Student Mobility Hurting MPS?
Op Ed

Is Student Mobility Hurting MPS?

Yes, many students transfer between schools, but that may not be the real problem for them.

Grant Helps Attract Native American Teachers

Grant Helps Attract Native American Teachers

$1.1 million federal grant to UWM helps First Nation students pursue education degrees.

Op Ed: Voters Approve $1.3 Billion More for Schools
Op Ed

Voters Approve $1.3 Billion More for Schools

Since 2012 state has cut school spending by cumulative $3.5 billon. Local referendums plugging the gap.

Op Ed: Low-Income Minorities Need Financial Literacy
Op Ed

Low-Income Minorities Need Financial Literacy

The Free Enterprise Academy seeks to address that issue.

Who Will Appoint State Superintendent?

Who Will Appoint State Superintendent?

If Evers doesn’t resign until taking office as governor, he could appoint his successor.

Data Wonk: MPS Charter Schools Work Better
Data Wonk

MPS Charter Schools Work Better

So why doesn’t the school board embrace them?

Walking Students to School Hikes Attendance

Walking Students to School Hikes Attendance

New MPS “Walking School Bus” program seeing results.