
Family Files Complaint For Discrimination Against Native Students

Family Files Complaint For Discrimination Against Native Students

Family says Ashland School District enforced COVID-19 policies differently for Native compared to white students.

State Superintendent, Pediatricians Push Universal Masking in Schools

State Superintendent, Pediatricians Push Universal Masking in Schools

Masking in schools backed by CDC, public health officials and pediatrics associations.

Thompson Will Disobey Republican Order

Thompson Will Disobey Republican Order

‘I am going to stand my ground, keep students safe and healthy,’ says UW leader and former GOP governor.

Op Ed: Let Us Run the UW System
Op Ed

Let Us Run the UW System

We answer to the Board of Regents and are responsible of the health of students. Let us do our job.

State Colleges, Universities Pay Down Student Debt

State Colleges, Universities Pay Down Student Debt

UWM, MATC lead the way, using millions in federal COVID-19 relief to slash debt.

School Boards Across State Face Arguments, ‘Bullying’

School Boards Across State Face Arguments, ‘Bullying’

Three Oconomowoc board members resign, citing a “toxic” environment.

MPS Reports 53 Cases of COVID-19 in Schools

MPS Reports 53 Cases of COVID-19 in Schools

COVID-19 transmission in the community is showing up in cases at schools.

Eyes on Milwaukee: MSOE Opens Viets Tower
Eyes on Milwaukee

MSOE Opens Viets Tower

New residence hall replaces Roy W. Johnson Hall.

Op Ed: Poll Shows Democrats Split On School Choice
Op Ed

Poll Shows Democrats Split On School Choice

Milwaukee’s Black Democrats are far more supportive of vouchers than whites.

UW Campuses Vary on Mask Policy

UW Campuses Vary on Mask Policy

UWM among eight state universities requiring them. Others hint it may be voluntary.

How Can High Schools Be Improved For Young Black Men?

How Can High Schools Be Improved For Young Black Men?

A group of students and educators developed six plans for Milwaukee schools.

Southeastern Wisconsin Has Teacher Shortage

Southeastern Wisconsin Has Teacher Shortage

There aren't enough graduates in the region to fill all the openings.