
Lake Country Charter Tied To Controversial Hillsdale College

Lake Country Charter Tied To Controversial Hillsdale College

Lake Country Classical Academy uses controversial Hillsdale charter school curriculum.

Wisconsin Student Test Scores Up, But Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

Wisconsin Student Test Scores Up, But Still Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

The percentage of students taking standardized tests is also increasing

State Superintendent Says Public Education Needs More Funding

State Superintendent Says Public Education Needs More Funding

Superintendent Jill Underly discussed challenges including mental health and racial disparities.

3 Technical College System Board Members Won’t Resign

3 Technical College System Board Members Won’t Resign

Republican appointees’ terms to serve on state board ended in May 2021 but they won’t step down.

Op Ed: Public Schools At Stake in Governor’s Race
Op Ed

Public Schools At Stake in Governor’s Race

Michels wants universal school choice, would dismantle public schools.

What’s the Solution to Teacher Shortages?

What’s the Solution to Teacher Shortages?

It’s toughest to solve in poorer school districts. Second in a two-part series.

UW System Circulating Free Speech Survey Again This Fall

UW System Circulating Free Speech Survey Again This Fall

Privately funded survey drew criticism in the past, and led to resignation of one University Chancellor.

What Teacher Shortage?

What Teacher Shortage?

There is no national shortage. But in Milwaukee and Madison there’s a problem. First in a series.

Uneasy Start to School Year in Waukesha

Uneasy Start to School Year in Waukesha

National trend 'to attack school boards, LGBTQ rights and ban books is playing out.'

Educators Grapple With Learning Loss

Educators Grapple With Learning Loss

Districts say they need more resources, teachers.

Evers Awards More Federal Pandemic Funds to Schools

Evers Awards More Federal Pandemic Funds to Schools

Addition of $90 million to state schools will be used for staffing, mental health services.

Student Loan Reduction Requires Paying State Taxes

Student Loan Reduction Requires Paying State Taxes

Forgiven debt treated as income. Evers favors change in law to address this.