
Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Growing Teacher Shortage
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Growing Teacher Shortage

The number of education majors and teaching candidates is drastically declining. Why?

Lessons From the Back Seat

Lessons From the Back Seat

Laney Keeshin explains how being a first-year teacher is like riding a tandem — on the back seat.

The State of Politics: Realign the UW System?
The State of Politics

Realign the UW System?

Legislators consider realigning public colleges and universities.

Public, Charter, Choice School Leaders Together

Public, Charter, Choice School Leaders Together

They build relationships at Schools That Can training session.

UW System Needs Reorganization

UW System Needs Reorganization

Create true regional governance and move power away from Madison.

Will Teachers Desert Wisconsin?

Will Teachers Desert Wisconsin?

Many teachers say they feel undervalued. And statistics show turnover of teachers and a reduction in education candidates.

MPS and Non-Profits Teamed Up to Rescue Carver Academy

MPS and Non-Profits Teamed Up to Rescue Carver Academy

School that was failing "by every measure" is now changing its culture.

Op-Ed: Why Tenure and Shared Governance Are Needed

Why Tenure and Shared Governance Are Needed

Legislators' push for top-down management will damage UW System and chase away top faculty.

Your Right to Know: UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names
Your Right to Know

UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names

Provision slipped into budget allows universities to hide names of top candidates for key positions. No other state agencies enjoy this exemption.

Teens Learn Work Skills at Cafe @ Large

Teens Learn Work Skills at Cafe @ Large

Local teens hone business and barista skills at Cafe @ Large

Is Teach for America “Problematic”?

Is Teach for America “Problematic”?

Milwaukee school board members have complained about the program. A TFA corps member responds.

Data Wonk: Why Doesn’t Milwaukee Embrace Charter Schools?
Data Wonk

Why Doesn’t Milwaukee Embrace Charter Schools?

Data shows they work better than MPS schools, but board adamantly opposes them.