
Data Wonk: Why Did Walker Flip on Common Core?
Data Wonk

Why Did Walker Flip on Common Core?

And why is the opposition to it so heated? An analysis of the actual standards and the arguments against them.

Part 1: Diploma Mills Prey on Milwaukee’s Adult Students
Part 1

Diploma Mills Prey on Milwaukee’s Adult Students

Online high schools promise GEDs, but deliver worthless sheets of paper. Part I of series.

Op Ed: Why Thornton Is Leaving MPS
Op Ed

Why Thornton Is Leaving MPS

It's all about moving back home, not about frustration with Milwaukee.

Common Core is Here to Stay

Common Core is Here to Stay

And the black helicopters are coming!

Murphy’s Law: The Media’s Declining Clout
Murphy’s Law

The Media’s Declining Clout

As newspaper readership declines, government officials increasingly ignore stories that once would have embarrassed them.

Education: Milwaukee Universities Cost More Than Harvard

Milwaukee Universities Cost More Than Harvard

The data on the White House Score Card is eye-opening.

Education: Don’t Just Blame the Parents

Don’t Just Blame the Parents

Schools can have an impact on a child’s success, no matter how low the student’s family income.

Education: The Long Road to Reform

The Long Road to Reform

It took Boston at least a decade to improve its public schools. Is there a lesson for Milwaukee?

Education: The Impact of Charter Schools

The Impact of Charter Schools

The promise -- and problems -- of America’s most popular alternative to public schools can be seen in Milwaukee.

Education: The Impact of Voucher Schools

The Impact of Voucher Schools

How school choice has -- and hasn’t -- worked. Second in a series on education in Milwaukee.

Education: The Experimental City

The Experimental City

Milwaukee may offer more school choices than any city in America. First of a series by a new columnist.

A Small MPS Reform Could Save Money, Add to the Tax Base, and Enhance Competition

A Small MPS Reform Could Save Money, Add to the Tax Base, and Enhance Competition

People have been looking for a magic bullet to fix Milwaukee's education system, and although what I proposed here isn't the broad sweeping change many are looking for, I do believe in making incremental changes, when possible, to improve individual processes.