Arts & Entertainment

“Coppelia” returns to the Milwaukee Ballet

“Coppelia” returns to the Milwaukee Ballet

Actor Dan Mooney will play Dr. Coppelius in Michael Pink's revival of the 1870 comedy.

Women respond to Gov. Walker’s budget proposals

Women respond to Gov. Walker’s budget proposals

Forty percent of Walker's budget cuts target programs that primarily serve women and children. Elected officials, working mothers and women's advocates weigh in.

TCDIY: Record Makers

Record Makers

This week, Carly steps out of the project box to chat with local musicians who demonstrate the DIY spirit as they self-record an album in their Walker's Point studio collective.

Threads: The Brass Rooster has landed

The Brass Rooster has landed

Fedoras, Boaters, and Gatsbys, oh my! Val takes a trip to Bay View's new haberdashery and falls in love.

Business leaders discuss Walker’s budget impact

Business leaders discuss Walker’s budget impact

They may like the focus on business growth, but Milwaukee business leaders don't follow Gov. Walker's vision completely.

PODCAST: The buzz on urban beekeeping

The buzz on urban beekeeping

Honeybees play a vital role in the food system, but they are in peril. Today, Beepods co-founder Charlie Koenen talks about how saving the bees can potentially save the world.

Watts represents Milwaukee to a ‘tea’

Watts represents Milwaukee to a ‘tea’

Watts Tea Shop receives a prestigious James Beard Foundation award, recognizing restaurants "for quality food that reflects the character of their community."

MPS budget will alter the path of public education

MPS budget will alter the path of public education

MPS Superintendent Gregory Thornton continues to stay focused on academic success despite the fiscal crisis at hand.

Walker’s expansion of school choice moves forward

Walker’s expansion of school choice moves forward

The Joint Finance Committee voted to lift enrollment limits and add new schools to the Milwaukee Parental School Choice program. Will it hurt or help education?

PODCAST: A hen named Milwaukee

A hen named Milwaukee

A silkie chicken, to be exact. Today, Mark chats with "Milwaukee" and Jessica Lane of Cream City Hens about the benefits of backyard henkeeping.

Checking in on Milwaukee’s WikiProject for Public Art

Checking in on Milwaukee’s WikiProject for Public Art

It’s not a perfect resource yet, but the online project will undoubtedly give Milwaukeeans a better understanding of the art in our communal backyard.

Broadening Cinematic Horizons: Milwaukee Underground Film Festival
Broadening Cinematic Horizons

Milwaukee Underground Film Festival

The UWM Film Department's annual student-run festival showcases three days of innovative and experimental film and video from Milwaukee and beyond beginning May 6.