Arts & Entertainment

Now Serving: GarageToberFest, Fun for the Whole Family
Now Serving

GarageToberFest, Fun for the Whole Family

Show up wearing lederhosen or a dirndl to get a free bratwurst and a beer.

Sponsored: Honeycrisp Harvest

Honeycrisp Harvest

No two apples are alike — not from season to season, orchard to orchard, or even tree to tree. Ask the folks at Hafs Road in Genoa City, Wisconsin, and they will most certainly agree. Each fruit has a unique character, a certain quality that lives at its very core. Visit your favorite Wisconsin Marcus restaurant in September to experience this month’s harvest of Honeycrisp and Zestar apples, creatively crafted into delicious dishes.

Milwaukee Film Festival: 33 Films To See
Milwaukee Film Festival

33 Films To See

How many times can you call in sick to work in the next 15 days?

Milwaukee Film Festival: Beatles
Milwaukee Film Festival


Film captures the experience of discovering the Beatles and growing up.

Sponsored: Honeycrisp Harvest

Honeycrisp Harvest

No two apples are alike — not from season to season, orchard to orchard, or even tree to tree. Ask the folks at Hafs Road in Genoa City, Wisconsin, and they will most certainly agree. Each fruit has a unique character, a certain quality that lives at its very core. Visit your favorite Wisconsin Marcus restaurant in September to experience this month’s harvest of Honeycrisp and Zestar apples, creatively crafted into delicious dishes.

Theater: <i>Dear Elizabeth</i> is a Love Story

Dear Elizabeth is a Love Story

Milwaukee Chamber Theatre takes everyone, cast included, on a journey into a special romance.

Milwaukee Film Festival: The Great Alone
Milwaukee Film Festival

The Great Alone

Film follows the trail of the Iditarod race through Alaska.

Sponsored: Honeycrisp Harvest

Honeycrisp Harvest

No two apples are alike — not from season to season, orchard to orchard, or even tree to tree. Ask the folks at Hafs Road in Genoa City, Wisconsin, and they will most certainly agree. Each fruit has a unique character, a certain quality that lives at its very core. Visit your favorite Wisconsin Marcus restaurant in September to experience this month’s harvest of Honeycrisp and Zestar apples, creatively crafted into delicious dishes.

Review: Mozart for the Win

Mozart for the Win

There was no good reason to miss the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra's production of Cosí fan tutte. It was delightful.

Milwaukee Film Festival: 7 Chinese Brothers
Milwaukee Film Festival

7 Chinese Brothers

Jason Schwartzman attempts to put it all together in this slacker comedy.

Bar Exam: Lakefront Brewery
Bar Exam

Lakefront Brewery

This popular attraction is not just for tours anymore.

Sponsored: Honeycrisp Harvest

Honeycrisp Harvest

No two apples are alike — not from season to season, orchard to orchard, or even tree to tree. Ask the folks at Hafs Road in Genoa City, Wisconsin, and they will most certainly agree. Each fruit has a unique character, a certain quality that lives at its very core. Visit your favorite Wisconsin Marcus restaurant in September to experience this month’s harvest of Honeycrisp and Zestar apples, creatively crafted into delicious dishes.