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Recent Press Releases Referencing Schools and Communities United

MTEA Joins Growing Coalition in Opposition to AB 245

MPS Workers Puzzled by Mayor and County Executive's Involvement in Scheme to Attack Milwaukee, MPS

Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association

Public School Workers, Parents, Community Leaders to protest Betsy DeVos appearance at publicly funded private voucher school

"Betsy DeVos is waging war on public education and is working to make drastic cuts to after school programs, arts education, literacy development, community schools, foreign language education, the Special Olympics, and has proposed a $143 billion cut from federal student loans."

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Endorses Bob Peterson for MPS Board of School Directors, Citywide Seat

The election for the Milwaukee Board of School Directors is April 2, 2019, with a possible primary February 19.

People Associated With Schools and Communities United