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Back in the News: Another Journal Sentinel Purge
Back in the News

Another Journal Sentinel Purge

Veteran county reporter Steve Schultze is among those who may leave.

Murphy’s Law: The New Right-Wing Media
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The New Right-Wing Media

The state is a national leader in creating new conservative publications.

Murphy’s Law: The Media’s Declining Clout
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The Media’s Declining Clout

As newspaper readership declines, government officials increasingly ignore stories that once would have embarrassed them.

House Confidential: Mike Jacobs’ Landmark Condominium
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Mike Jacobs’ Landmark Condominium

TV anchor Mike Jacobs' landmark day and condominium.

Murphy’s Law: Women Need Not Apply
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Women Need Not Apply

Led by MGIC, seven of Wisconsin’s top companies are men’s clubs, with no women in the executive suite.

Outing a Bully

Outing a Bully

It’s a truth many of us learned on the playgrounds of our youth: nobody reacts to criticism worse than a bully. So it’s no surprise that conservative talk show host Charlie Sykes responded to a negative article in the December issue of Milwaukee Magazine with a longwinded, sniveling diatribe that leaves the reader wondering why a guy who makes a living attacking people is so damn thin-skinned. To anyone who listens to the Sykes show on WTMJ-AM, or any of the formulaic right wing radio talk shows, much of the criticism outlined by the station’s former news director seems fairly obvious. Sykes, Mark Belling on WISN-AM and their ilk carefully select topics designed to stir up anger in their predominantly conservative audiences. They seek stories that confirm their world views and look for people to vilify. These could be public officials, bureaucrats, parents, school administrators and run-of-the-mill average citizens. Anyone, really, who provides them with the opportunity to demonize government and show how our hard-earned tax dollars are wasted. And, as Dan Shelley says in the article, Sykes is obviously very bright and very good at what he does. Sometimes Sykes can be very entertaining. He engages in a kind of verbal ju-jitsu that takes the inert energy from the many absurd stories generated by newspapers and elsewhere and builds it into an inflammatory narrative designed to entertain and anger his listeners. I get it and I can actually enjoy listening to it, in small doses, as I do Lewis Black and Dave Chappelle. But what bothers me is how manipulative he can be when dealing with listeners who call in. Those who agree with him are treated with kid gloves; they are thoughtful, insightful, clever. Callers who disagree with him are broken down in two categories. The inarticulate or weak ones are dangled as useful foils who give him the opportunity to throw the sarcastic jabs and belittling blows to diminish the caller. The brighter, more effective and persuasive callers with contrary opinions are quickly dispatched with a “thank you for your call.” It’s a cowardly tactic quite typical of the playground bully. Belling engages in a different tactic that accomplishes the same result; he raises his voice at callers and belittles them to the point you wonder why anyone would ever listen to this jerk. In fairness, it must be pointed out that Belling seems to yell at everyone but in the world of talk radio there are significant gradations to screaming. It’s also revealing (and disturbing) that Sykes is given his platform by Journal Communications Inc., which owns the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WTMJ-TV and WTMJ-AM. Sykes regularly attacks the newspaper as a part of the liberal media though the same company pays his salary and profits from his success. Sykes is also given a platform on television every Sunday morning through a show that purports to be public affairs programming. He surrounds himself with mostly like-minded fellow travelers from conservative media as well as a token, usually […]

Plenty of Horne: Journal Board Member Stanek, Figure in Baird Suit, Ignored in Paper’s Story
Plenty of Horne

Journal Board Member Stanek, Figure in Baird Suit, Ignored in Paper’s Story

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The Roundup: Convicted Art Dealer Kennedy Peddles Fake Miros
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Convicted Art Dealer Kennedy Peddles Fake Miros

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The Roundup: A Doctorate Denied
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A Doctorate Denied

How the FBI Thwarted Marquette’s 1964 Plan to Award an Honorary Doctorate to Martin Luther King.

The Roundup: Mequon Turns Voter Away
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Mequon Turns Voter Away

The City of Mequon told a local man who tried to register and vote at City Hall last week that he was “too late.”

The Roundup: Voting With The Mayor
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Voting With The Mayor

Mayor Barrett’s office announced Monday that he would vote at City Hall at 1 p.m. Tuesday.

The Roundup: Selig Take A Hit
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Selig Take A Hit

Washington Post Trashes Commissioner and Journal Communications. Plus: The Mea Culpa of Charles J. Sykes and Thompson’s Boycott of Miller Park.

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