Growing Power

2719 N. Dr. Martin Luther King Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53212

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MPS Embraces Urban Farming

MPS Embraces Urban Farming

With help of $98,000 grant, 18 schools will now teach aquaponics.

Growing Power Provides 40,000 Lbs of Carrots to Schools

Growing Power Provides 40,000 Lbs of Carrots to Schools

Group sets record for largest farm-to-school fresh food procurement ever in the U.S.

20 Years of Urban Farming

20 Years of Urban Farming

Will Allen and Growing Power celebrate two decades an an international leader in the field.

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Agricultural Urbanism

Agricultural Urbanism

“Growing Local” is a great example of how New Urbanism has evolved to keep current with recent developments in urban planning. While the interface of agriculture and urbanism was barely touched upon in urban theory only, 10 or even 5 years ago, the economic downturn and increasing food prices have made the relationship between people and their food a key issue in addressing the sustainability of the built environment for the long term.

Growing Power is Going Vertical (Renderings)

Growing Power is Going Vertical (Renderings)

Will Allen, who has made Growing Power into a nationally-recognized organization is attempting to take the urban farming movement to the next level with his vertical farm proposal.

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Review of the 18th Annual Congress for the New Urbanism

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