Related Articles - Page 8

NEWaukeean of the Week: Sara Daleiden
NEWaukeean of the Week

Sara Daleiden

"I adore the history of and ongoing investment in public space in this city."

Blast From the Past: Bailing Out the Bucks Is Old News
Blast From the Past

Bailing Out the Bucks Is Old News

Back in 2001, Bruce Murphy reported on the Greater Milwaukee Committee's plan to subsidize the Bucks.

Murphy’s Law: We Must Imitate Other Cities
Murphy’s Law

We Must Imitate Other Cities

New study says we must build a Bucks arena and bigger convention center. But its data actually tells a much different story.

NEWaukeean of the Week: Maggie Bryde
NEWaukeean of the Week

Maggie Bryde

"In five years, I’d like to think that I wouldn’t have to convince people how great this city is – it will just be undeniable."

Friday Photos: Streetcar Signing Is Quite a Celebration
Friday Photos

Streetcar Signing Is Quite a Celebration

The mayor, business leaders and pols toasted the streetcar in Cudahy's Irish Pub, with Michael Cudahy on hand.

Murphy’s Law: Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?
Murphy’s Law

Who is “Lobbying” For the Streetcar?

Money is being spent and wild rumors are flying. So what’s the truth?

Helping Businesses in Harambee and Riverwest Neighborhoods

Helping Businesses in Harambee and Riverwest Neighborhoods

The non-profit Riverworks has become a key force in urban development, and will be part of Kresge grant won by GMC.

Program Helps Train Urban Business Owners

Program Helps Train Urban Business Owners

Small Business Administration's "street-wise" MBA trains people to run their own businesses.

Bike Czar: Can Milwaukee Upgrade to Gold Ranking?
Bike Czar

Can Milwaukee Upgrade to Gold Ranking?

City officials pledge to work towards upgrading the city's national, bicycle-friendly ranking from bronze to gold.

In Public: Why the Swing Park Failed
In Public

Why the Swing Park Failed

It became a comedy of errors, but raises serious questions about the city’s strategy for “creative placemaking.”

GMC Wins $725,000 Grant to Help City

GMC Wins $725,000 Grant to Help City

Kresge Foundation grant would help build city's Artery trail and revive depressed Harambee neighborhood.

Plenty of Horne: BMO Bank Chief Hails City’s Revival
Plenty of Horne

BMO Bank Chief Hails City’s Revival

The city's infrastructure has been transformed, and the regional economy is strong, he tells a meeting of business leaders.

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