Related Press Releases - Page 3

Why Would Gov. Walker’s Campaign Chair Host Fundraiser for Walker Recall Petition Signer John Humphries? Follow the Money.

Why Would Gov. Walker’s Campaign Chair Host Fundraiser for Walker Recall Petition Signer John Humphries? Follow the Money.

Right-Wing Kingpin Who Spent Over $100 Million to Fight For More Public Funding For Less Accountable Private Voucher Program Makes a Deal in Public School Superintendent Race

Field Set for Private School Voucher Industry Campaign Cash Chase

Field Set for Private School Voucher Industry Campaign Cash Chase

‘Let the Shameless Pandering Begin’ as Two Candidates for Public Schools Head Seek to Snag Financial Support of Private School Voucher Industry

Charlie Sykes’ Bullying, Racism, Sexism and Propaganda to Advance Wisconsin Republicans on Milwaukee Right Wing Radio Comes to an End
Trump’s DeVos Appointment Means More School Privatization, More Failure, Less Accountability

Trump’s DeVos Appointment Means More School Privatization, More Failure, Less Accountability

‘Being a Billionaire Whose Hobby Is Underwriting Campaigns to Steal Public School Dollars for Unaccountable Private Schools Disqualifies Her to Be Our Secretary of Education’

Gov. Walker’s Administration Maintains Billboards Only for Voter Intimidation, Not Voter Education

Gov. Walker’s Administration Maintains Billboards Only for Voter Intimidation, Not Voter Education

State rejects multiple suggestions for enhanced education outreach to help legal voters vote.

New Private School Voucher Scheme Surfaces as Pro-Voucher Front Group Spending to Elect Republican Legislators Tops $500,000

New Private School Voucher Scheme Surfaces as Pro-Voucher Front Group Spending to Elect Republican Legislators Tops $500,000

Latest Effort to Quench Private School Voucher Industry’s Unslakable Thirst for Public Tax Dollars

Documents From Political Corruption Investigation Reveal Gov. Walker’s Allies Intentionally Made Baseless Claims of Voter Fraud to Question Election Results
Judge Joe Donald slams Rebecca Bradley’s hyper-partisan campaign tactics

Judge Joe Donald slams Rebecca Bradley’s hyper-partisan campaign tactics

Asks other candidates to join in new pledge to forgo special interest money & partisan help

Operation Impact 2012 ready for launch

Operation Impact 2012 ready for launch

Now in its fifth year, Operation Impact will install additional surveillance cameras and will allocate up to $85,000 in 2012 to help put additional patrol officers on the street in an effort to reduce crime on Milwaukee’s near south side, Alderman Bob Donovan said.

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