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Campaign Cash: Uihleins, Walton Shower GOP Legislators With Cash
Campaign Cash

Uihleins, Walton Shower GOP Legislators With Cash

Out-of-state donors give $1.9 million to state legislators, 79% of it to Republicans.

Campaign Cash: Bills Cap Predatory Lending at 36%
Campaign Cash

Bills Cap Predatory Lending at 36%

Average payday interest rate is 517%. Industry has given generously to legislators

Campaign Cash: Legislative Committees Exceed Donation Limits
Campaign Cash

Legislative Committees Exceed Donation Limits

Both parties' campaign committees violate campaign law limit, watchdog group finds.

Campaign Cash: GOP Gets 69% of Corporate Cash for Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

GOP Gets 69% of Corporate Cash for Legislative Races

$1.6 million donated in 2020, just below record set in 2018.

Campaign Cash: Legislative Campaign Committee Spending Soars
Campaign Cash

Legislative Campaign Committee Spending Soars

Total spending by four state legislative committees up from $2 million in 2014 to $12 million in 2020.

Could Vos Be Tossed Out By Voters?

Could Vos Be Tossed Out By Voters?

His handling of pandemic blasted by opposition groups.

Campaign Cash: Democratic Legislative Committees Spend Big
Campaign Cash

Democratic Legislative Committees Spend Big

Raising $1.9 million more than Republicans yet with $2.3 million less left in the bank.

Campaign Cash: Special Interest Contributions Skyrocket
Campaign Cash

Special Interest Contributions Skyrocket

$5.2 million spent in state for first six months of 2020, more than double the same period in 2016.

Campaign Cash: Republicans Grab Corporate Cash
Campaign Cash

Republicans Grab Corporate Cash

GOP candidates get 75% of state corporate donations to political campaigns.

Campaign Cash: Legislative Donors Give Record Amount in 2020
Campaign Cash

Legislative Donors Give Record Amount in 2020

$7.1 million showered on legislative races in first half of 2020, shattering 2016 record of $5.1 million.

Campaign Cash: Legislative Committees Raise Record Cash
Campaign Cash

Legislative Committees Raise Record Cash

Republican committees raise $1.8 million, Democrats $950,000 in first six months of 2020.

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