Related Articles - Page 2

Expunging Records Gets Bipartisan Support

Expunging Records Gets Bipartisan Support

Wisconsin has one of nation’s strictest laws on expunging criminal records.

Walker, Evers Take Different Routes on Roads

Walker, Evers Take Different Routes on Roads

Evers says roads “are crumbling,” Walker says Evers will hike gas tax.

Campaign Cash: Walker Backs Off on Marine Sanctuary
Campaign Cash

Walker Backs Off on Marine Sanctuary

Would have preserved stretch of Lake Michigan, but Koch activist opposes it.

Murphy’s Law: Arena Plan is Massive Tax Shift to Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

Arena Plan is Massive Tax Shift to Milwaukee

County taxpayers will pay far more than predicted, as state legislators back away from the deal.

Murphy’s Law: Koch-Funded Group Backs Anti-Streetcar Drive
Murphy’s Law

Koch-Funded Group Backs Anti-Streetcar Drive

Americans for Prosperity has provided paid staff for petition drive, its state director says.

Big Money Backfires in Local Elections

Big Money Backfires in Local Elections

Attempts by Koch Brothers and other outsiders to outspend locals and elect friendly parties doesn't work.

Donovan’s New Anti-Streetcar Allies

Donovan’s New Anti-Streetcar Allies

After three press releases in three days, the alderman holds a news conference with new right-wing allies.

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