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School Voucher Lobby Wants More State Funding

School Voucher Lobby Wants More State Funding

Pushing for more public funding of private schools.

Will Donors Punish Legislators Pushing Election Lies?

Will Donors Punish Legislators Pushing Election Lies?

Wisconsin Realtors says it will still back conspiracy theorist Rep. Janel Brandtjen.

Campaign Cash: Superintendent Race Cost Record $3 Million
Campaign Cash

Superintendent Race Cost Record $3 Million

Underly and liberal groups spent combined $2.34 million, five times more than opponents.

Campaign Cash: Record Outside Group Spending for Underly
Campaign Cash

Record Outside Group Spending for Underly

A record $1.02 million spent on state superintendent race, 80% of it by liberal groups.

Campaign Cash: Outside Groups Spent $1 Million on State Superintendent Race
Campaign Cash

Outside Groups Spent $1 Million on State Superintendent Race

Groups backing Underly had 5-1 advantage over those backing Kerr.

Kerr Supports Voucher Program, Decentralizing DPI

Kerr Supports Voucher Program, Decentralizing DPI

State superintendent candidate Kerr has been an ardent supporter of reopening schools.

Underly Running on Education Equity, Ending Vouchers

Underly Running on Education Equity, Ending Vouchers

As a candidate for state superintendent, Underly has backing of state teachers union.

Campaign Cash: Liberals Have 13 to 1 Edge In Superintendent Race
Campaign Cash

Liberals Have 13 to 1 Edge In Superintendent Race

Groups supporting Underly bury the one group backing Kerr in total campaign donations.

Campaign Cash: Outside Spending Tops $800,000 for Election
Campaign Cash

Outside Spending Tops $800,000 for Election

Most of special interest spending for spring election is for state school superintendent race.

Campaign Cash: Liberal Groups Far Outspend Republicans
Campaign Cash

Liberal Groups Far Outspend Republicans

$5.3 million spent on legislative races by Democratic advocacy groups, $2.9 million by GOP groups.

Public Schools Fight for Funding

Public Schools Fight for Funding

MPS, other public school districts have gotten no federal CARES funding while choice and charter schools get millions.

Op Ed: Jensen Tries to Pre-Rig Redistricting
Op Ed

Jensen Tries to Pre-Rig Redistricting

To maintain gerrymandering, neutralize governor, wants to give state Supreme Court the whip hand.

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