Patty Murray

Recent Articles

Baldwin Backs More Funds for Small Shipyards

Baldwin Backs More Funds for Small Shipyards

Wisconsin companies who are suppliers to shipyards would gain business.

1,054 of State’s Bridges Need Repair

1,054 of State’s Bridges Need Repair

Report finds 7.4% of 14,275 bridges structurally deficient, including 5 in Milwaukee County.

Airport’s Traffic Hit 7.1 Million Last Year

Airport’s Traffic Hit 7.1 Million Last Year

Mitchell up 3 percent in 2018. Appleton’s airport up 25 percent.

Harley-Davidson Earnings Down

Harley-Davidson Earnings Down

Poor results due to Trump tariffs, changing consumer preferences.

Workforce Development Head Wants Better Wages

Workforce Development Head Wants Better Wages

Caleb Frostman, new state director, says family supporting jobs should be key concern.

25,000 State Retirees Could Lose Pensions

25,000 State Retirees Could Lose Pensions

Wisconsin Teamsters' pensions in jeopardy due to federal inaction, alleged mismanagement.

Congress Is Broken, Rep. Gallagher Says

Congress Is Broken, Rep. Gallagher Says

Republican from state’s 8th district writes Atlantic story saying Congress too dominated by President and parties.

Grothman vs. Kohl Race Is Competitive

Grothman vs. Kohl Race Is Competitive

6th Congresssional District has been Republican since 1960s, but race is close, experts say.

Race for Governor: Walker Campaigns With Tommy Thompson
Race for Governor

Walker Campaigns With Tommy Thompson

Campaigning in Green Bay, Milwaukee, Walker hits Evers for proposing “tax increase.”

Walker Signs Waiver to Lower ACA Costs

Walker Signs Waiver to Lower ACA Costs

Democrats charge his approach is a “sabotage of health care law."

Sen. Baldwin Demands Packers Coverage

Sen. Baldwin Demands Packers Coverage

Bill requires cable companies to provide all state customers an option to see Packers games.