Content referencing Debra Usinger


6 Milwaukeeans who are especially missed

Plenty of Horne: Get Your Vote On
Plenty of Horne

Get Your Vote On

Early voting already underway for spring election, and memorials planned for Debra Usinger and Donna Schlieman.

Debra Usinger to receive Fred Goldsmith Kiwanian of the Year Award posthumously
Press Release

Debra Usinger to receive Fred Goldsmith Kiwanian of the Year Award posthumously

Debra Usinger, great-granddaughter of the founder of Usinger's Famous Sausage, will be named Fred Goldsmith Kiwanian of the Year posthumously at an awards ceremony at 12 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 26 at the Milwaukee County War Memorial.

Debra Usinger to be posthumously recognized for her dedication and contributions to Milwaukee
Press Release

Debra Usinger to be posthumously recognized for her dedication and contributions to Milwaukee

Debra Usinger, a passionate supporter of Milwaukee’s downtown who dedicated her time and talents to numerous groups, will be posthumously recognized by the Common Council’s Community and Economic Development Committee

Zweig Project Held by City Committee

Zweig Project Held by City Committee

This committee meeting had numerous items of significance relating to the built environment that were up for debate.  A couple highlights (or lowlights) included the holding of a file over budget concerns, a heated discussion over Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (“CMAQ”) grants, and a most intriguing debate on public art. The approval of the schematic designs of public artwork which is to be incorporated into streetscape improvements within the first block of East Wisconsin Avenue was up for approval.  The project put out a RFQ to which nearly fifty artists responded.  Artist Janet Zweig was selected to design the artwork and at a recent Streetscape Public Art Advisory Committee meeting the committee approved the schematic design.  The design would include five kiosks attached to five light poles.  Each kiosk would essentially be a historical reference to a type of flip board system that existed in train stations.  Each kiosk would display flip movies of Milwaukee, and would be custom built to hold 80 flaps.  This project was funded under the federal CMAQ program to promote walking as an alternative method of transportation by making improvements to the pedestrian experience.  Additionally, of the total project only a little over 1% of funds has been allocated to public art. Initially, Alderman Robert Bauman was concerned that there might be a cost to moving this project forward so he questioned, “tell us why this is even in front of us?”  After much discussion it became clear that this file was just the approval of the schematic design and that as he said “rejecting this concept saves no money.” At this point Alderman Bob Donovan began railing against the design saying “Thomas Edison had that 100 years ago,” and that “I refuse to have my name associated to something as ridiculous as that.”  Alderman Willie Wade took a more measured approach in his response to the work stating “I’m not impressed with this at all” and that “this is too old school for me.”  Attempting to bring the discussion back to the overall idea of improving public space through the addition of public art Alderman Bauman explained that “art is in the eye of the beholder.”  Debra Usinger, who appeared previously in regards to a Riverwalk project, explained that “public art is great” and that despite the sentiment in the room, this art works because “all of a sudden we’ve created discussion in here.”  She added that “I think this is really innovative.”  This file was held to all for public input. A file that would have funded a variety of nonassessable public improvements was held because of future budgetary concerns.  Alderman Joe Dudzik questioned the wisdom of this spending while planning on significant layoffs, which sparked the discussion regarding holding the file.  Wondering if there was a cost to delay action on the file, Alderman Dudzik questioned “is there any urgency in getting this file passed today?”  Apparently if delayed projects might see a increase of 10% to the cost so the […]