Lynne DeBruin is a former Milwaukee County Supervisor.

Content referencing Lynne DeBruin

Murphy’s Law: Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote
Murphy’s Law

Mr Pension Scandal Wants Your Vote

John Weishan, who supported infamous pension plan that gouged taxpayers, is running for Register of Deeds.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Scott Walker
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Scott Walker

Journal Sentinel’s lo-o-ng series struggles to explain it -- but omits the newspaper's role.

Murphy’s Law: County Pension Scandal Poster Boys
Murphy’s Law

County Pension Scandal Poster Boys

Six veterans seeking re-election voted for infamous pension plan that ripped off taxpayers.

Plenty of Horne: Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District
Plenty of Horne

Raclaw to Challenge Veteran in 14th Supervisory District

Supervisor Nyklewicz will face a rare challenge for his seat when Milwaukee Police detective Sebastian C. J. Raclaw announces his candidacy for the Milwaukee County Supervisor for the 14th District

Murphy’s Law: Ament’s Sweetheart Insurance Deal For An Old Crony
Murphy’s Law

Ament’s Sweetheart Insurance Deal For An Old Crony

Accusations about cronyism in the Ament administration just keep coming.

Murphy’s Law: The Real Story Behind The Sheriff’s Departure
Murphy’s Law

The Real Story Behind The Sheriff’s Departure

There is bad smell surrounding the retirement of Sheriff Lev Baldwin.

Murphy’s Law: How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan
Murphy’s Law

How Ament Prevented Any Research of the Pension Plan

Over and over the question has recurred: why would county supervisors, most of whom will not get the more lucrative pension payoff for veteran workers, approve this deal?

Murphy’s Law: How Gary Dobbert’s Buddies Got Yet Another Pension Benefit
Murphy’s Law

How Gary Dobbert’s Buddies Got Yet Another Pension Benefit

It's hard to believe there could be any more scandal associated with the Milwaukee County, but it turns out there was yet another group of insiders handed a neat pension boost by the administration of County Executive F. Thomas Ament.

Murphy’s Law: What Karen Ordinans Really Thought About Ament’s Pension
Murphy’s Law

What Karen Ordinans Really Thought About Ament’s Pension

It’s been amusing to hear County Board chair Karen Ordinans declare her outrage about the county pension plan.