Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Press Release

WI GOP Picks Kremlin Over The Heartland

They have stood by Donald Trump and his attacks on the intelligence community

By - Dec 13th, 2016 10:49 am
Ron Johnson and Donald Trump.

Ron Johnson and Donald Trump.

MADISON – Wisconsin Republicans have enjoyed the national spotlight for over a month as media outlets near and far fawned over their success and the role Badger State Republicans will play in the upcoming administration. The list of national players includes Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, RNC Chair and incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Sen. Ron Johnson who chairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security Committee and sits on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and Rep. Sean Duffy who is part of Donald Trump‘s White House transition team.

Republicans’ new role on the national scene comes with great responsibility. In light of reports of Russian hacking in order to influence the results of the presidential election in Donald Trump’s favor, these Republican Wisconsinites haven’t backed calls for an investigation into Russia’s hacking of the Democratic National Committee. Their silence shows they are less concerned with protecting America’s Democracy and are once again putting party before country.

“It is wholly unpatriotic that Wisconsin Republicans are siding with a government entity that sponsored cyber attacks against our country instead of standing up for the American voters and the Democracy we all cherish,” Democratic Party of Wisconsin Spokesperson Brandon Weathersby said on Tuesday. “The lack of outcry from Wisconsin Republicans only emboldens Russia and sends them a clear signal that their attacks on the United States will go unanswered, even when it threatens our Democracy.”

Even with a clear consensus from the intelligence community that Russia meddled with the Presidential Election, and Sen. Johnson saying as much in October, Wisconsin Republicans have refused to take action. Instead, they have stood by Donald Trump and his attacks on the intelligence community – the same organizations Ryan, Priebus, Johnson, and Duffy have relied on and trusted time and again for the most reliable and credible information.

“The hypocrisy and outright dismissal of our intelligence community are stunning. The protection of our Democracy should not be a Democratic or Republican priority, it should be an American priority. It is time Ryan, Priebus, Johnson, and Duffy use stand up for the United States and call for an immediate investigation into Russia’s actions,” Weathersby concluded.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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