Republicans Again Attack Wolfe, WEC
Rep. Macco calls Wolfe and elections commission “repugnant and insulting” at committee hearing.
In a hearing of the Legislative Audit Committee on Tuesday, Republican legislators continued their attacks on the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) as the commission’s administrator Meagan Wolfe attempted to push back.
Wolfe appeared before the committee to testify and respond to questions about a report into elections administration during the 2020 presidential election by the nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau.
Wolfe opened her testimony by commending parts of the LAB report and said many of the report’s 30 recommendations for the WEC are common sense and should be easy to implement. But she also tried to push back on what she says are errors and inaccuracies in the report that the commission believes need to be corrected while occasionally clashing with Republicans.
Wolfe told the committee that because the six elections commissioners hadn’t yet met to discuss the report and respond to the recommendations, she wasn’t able to provide any information beyond the facts of what happened and her own personal opinion. The commission is planning to meet on Dec. 1 to discuss the report.
In a heated series of statements, Rep. John Macco (R-Ledgeview), who is reportedly considering a run for governor, said the actions of Wolfe and the WEC were “repugnant.”
“I find it repugnant and insulting for you to start a conversation that says you can’t speak for the team first of all that you couldn’t even get together,” Macco said. “So I just find this whole thing a joke today, and you’ve done nothing to help allay my fears and concerns.”
“I don’t know what world you come from where you get to have a report and an input on the report of an audit before the audit comes out,” he said. “I’ve never heard of such a thing in the businesses that I’ve had, I’ve gotten audited on an annualized basis, and I don’t get the pleasure of sitting down with the SEC, or the DOR or the IRS and have me give opinions as to as to the input of what I’m doing and input on the report before it comes out.”
The standard process for reports by the audit bureau includes giving state agencies a chance to respond pre-publication. The audit bureau said in its report it didn’t do so in this case because it was concerned that if it sent a draft to the entire elections commission, the commission’s staff and the elections clerks who were involved in the investigation, the confidentiality of the draft couldn’t be maintained.
Wolfe, who has been the subject of personal attacks from Republicans following the LAB report and allegations from the Racine County Sheriff that the WEC violated election law, contested Macco’s claims that Wolfe should have done more to respond.
“I’m not sure what you’re implying that I should have done, other than provide the facts about how it works, how elections work,” she said.
Wolfe spent much of her prepared testimony attempting to correct the errors she said are in the report.
The LAB report states that the WEC did not regularly receive all available data.
“WEC did not regularly obtain all types of data from ERIC in recent years,” the report states. “From September 2016 to May 2021, WEC obtained some types of data every two years, but it obtained other types of data once during this period of time.”
The report said the WEC did not regularly request voter data involving voters who may have moved, voted twice in the same election or died. Wolfe said that many of these data sets are only available at certain times in the election cycle or haven’t always been available to ERIC’s member states.
“Unfortunately, the LAB’s discussion of ERIC contains numerous inaccuracies, in particular, the ERIC data … implies that Wisconsin missed many opportunities to obtain that data. This is an error,” Wolfe said, “and perhaps the most significant mistake in the report. The WEC obtains all ERIC data sets when they’re made available to Wisconsin, with the full approval of the Wisconsin Election Commission and in full compliance with statutory requirements. Each ERIC report has specific periods of availability, and several of the reports did not even exist when Wisconsin first joined ERIC.”
“These reports repeatedly and very clearly established the Commission’s determination that the Department of Transportation shall be the custodians of voter signatures, but that WEC would be able to access them whenever needed,” Wolfe said. “Put simply the Wisconsin Legislature, the Elections Commission and the Department of Transportation, each recognize that there was no rational reason for the State of Wisconsin to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, ultimately millions over time, to maintain copies of data that was already in the state’s possession, professionally secured, backed up and readily available to WEC, whenever needed.”
Wolfe’s testimony wasn’t the only pushback from the WEC during the hearing. When staff from the LAB testified about what was in the report, a staff member was asked why only three of the six elections commissioners participated in the investigation. He responded that the three members of the commission appointed by Democrats, Ann Jacobs, Mark Thomsen and Julie Glancey, had either not responded or declined to participate.
During the testimony, Jacobs tweeted that this was untrue, including a screenshot of an email to the LAB asking when she’d be able to speak with auditors.
“LAB falsely claims I refused to speak with them,” she wrote. “Not only did I send them a letter, I reached out to confirm that they were going to speak with me. They never responded.”
After Wolfe’s testimony, a number of local elections officials and voting advocates spoke to defend the commission and push back at attempts to discredit the election.
“First and foremost, the audit confirmed that our elections are ‘safe and secure,’ as Chairman (Rob) Cowles noted so succinctly,” Matt Rothschild, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, said. “Despite all the toxic sound and fury we’ve all been hearing about our elections, the report found nothing to demonstrate that the results of the elections were invalid. It presented no evidence of sweeping improprieties or calculated partisan maneuvers that might have distorted the outcome of the elections. None of that is in this report. Nothing of that kind. So that canard should be put to rest, once and for all.”
Republicans continue to use WEC as partisan punching bag in committee hearing was originally published by the Wisconsin Examiner.
More about the 2020 General Election
- Senator Agard Statement on Senator Knodl’s Continued Relitigation of the 2020 Presidential Election - Dane County Executive Melissa Agard - Aug 29th, 2023
- Report Calls For Criminally Charging State’s Fake Electors - Henry Redman - Dec 19th, 2022
- Vos Withdraws Subpoenas, Ends Gableman Probe - Henry Redman - Aug 30th, 2022
- Judge Blasts Gableman Probe, Deleted Records - Henry Redman - Aug 17th, 2022
- Vos Fires Gableman, Ends Election Probe - Shawn Johnson - Aug 14th, 2022
- Judge Orders Gableman To Pay $163,000 In Legal Fees - Rich Kremer - Aug 2nd, 2022
- Prosecute 2020 Fake Electors, Advocates Demand - Erik Gunn - Aug 1st, 2022
- Trump Calls For Nullification of Wisconsin’s 2020 Election - Henry Redman - Jul 12th, 2022
- Legal Fight Over Gableman Probe Keeps Growing - Shawn Johnson - Jun 30th, 2022
- Back In the News: Fake Elector Scheme Dogs Ron Johnson - Bruce Murphy - Jun 28th, 2022
Read more about 2020 General Election here
I won’t be surprised if The Brown County Brown Shirts reinstitute Bund meetings in the name of restoring of “proper government functioning”.
Even though John Macco’s attack on the elections commission is likely to be another one-day story of another wannabe trying to grab the spotlight, we shouldn’t lose sight of what is at stake here. John Macco is a symptom – one of many -of something much more profound occurring in our country. Two useful – and competing – quotes: “We should always beware that what now lies in the past once lay in the future.” (T.W. Maitland) And, “The art of prophesy is very difficult, especially with respect to the future.” (Mark Twain) Or, a third quote, “They don’t ring a warning bell when you have come to the edge of the precipice. Think 1859.” (That would be me)
John Macco’s anti-democratic views and his uses of extreme language are right in the mainstream of the Republican Party in our times. That “mainstream,” in Wisconsin and elsewhere, leaves no room for (small “d”) democracy. In the opinion of Mr. Macco and his Republican colleagues, the only legitimate elections are those won by Republicans. A majority of Republicans share this view. For example, they believe that Donald Trump, who lost the election of 2020 by some 7 million votes, really won and is actually the legitimate president.
A large number of these Republicans also believe that violence is an acceptable response to elections lost by their candidates, and to rules and regulations issued by the illegitimate government, i.e., government led by elected Democrats. The Republican Party now has its own “armed wing,” consisting of far-right militias and neo-Nazi groups. It supports groups that have tried to overthrow the government, that planned to kidnap elected Democratic officials, and that regularly threaten to assassinate those who oppose them. In Congress and in state legislatures, there are now significant numbers of Republican members who fit the classic definition of fascists. And, there are those, like Senator Ron Johnson, who have no ideology, save greed, but are similar to the European Quislings, opportunists who, like the fascists, are capable of just about anything.
Authoritarian, anti-democratic and fascist regimes always seek to gain control of national media. In our country, that process is largely complete with Fox News playing that role on a daily basis. Its evening lineup now includes the openly fascist Carlson, Hannity and Ingraham and their various “guests.” Carlson can, without exaggeration, be labeled a neo-Nazi. On a daily and nightly basis, Fox hammers away at the core theme that defines modern Republicanism: white victimization.
Being victims, white people, in this case, white/evangelical/Republican white people, can justify anything they do, up to and including killing their opponents, especially the hated “liberals.” And, the Republican Party and its media outlets supplies them with a never-ending stream of scapegoats, “the others.” These scapegoat groups are inevitably dehumanized; and, in the process, as in other countries, the victimizing group continues to dehumanize itself.
So, John Macco, the NRA member and former floor covering manager, may be a bit player in what may be the twilight of American democracy. But, as the historian T.W. Maitland said, this is all going to be in the rear-view mirror someday. And, at that time, depending on whether our democracy survives or not, a lot of John Maccos will have a lot to answer for. He probably does not realize that he is making history, but he – and his party – are. To sum up, as another historian said, “History is made by people who do not know what is going to happen next.” In this case, what will happen next year when elections are inevitably going to be seen as illegitimate, and 30% of Republicans believe violence is an appropriate response?