More Vote Against Citizens United
52% of state, in 129 communities, have now passed referendums to bar unlimited corporate donations.

Citizens United. Photo by DonkeyHotey. Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
On April 3, nine communities in Wisconsin voted by overwhelming margins for a referendum that calls for a constitutional amendment to be passed declaring that corporations aren’t persons and money isn’t speech.
Here are the results, with the percentages in favor of the amendment:
- Green County: 78 percent
- St. Croix County: 77 percent
- La Crosse: 88 percent
- Marshfield: 81 percent
- McFarland: 79 percent
- Rice Lake: 81 percent
- Sand Creek: 77 percent
- Sun Prairie: 83 percent
- Wittenberg: 83 percent
Now there are 129 communities in Wisconsin that have passed these referendums, and those communities account for about 3 million people – 52 percent of the state’s population.
Wisconsin is second only to Massachusetts in the number of communities that have signed on for amending the U.S. Constitution to overturn the Citizens United decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled that the constitution prevents any restrictions on independent expenditures by corporations.
In Wisconsin, the effort has been organized by the Wisconsin United to Amend, whose volunteers have worked across the state to engage citizens in supporting the proposed amendment.
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This is one of the few issues that truly cuts across all political and socio-economic lines. 80% of voters support this in rural, suburban and urban WI. Lets keep building the momentum!
Only corporations. Only the left would leave cut outs for corporate and government unions and billionaires like Soros and Koch.
Yeah Adam, that and legalizing weed!
We must end Citizens “United” aka DIVIDED and then get rid of greasy Career Politician Scott Walker and republicans and with 90% supporting medical cannabis, move Wisconsin FORWARD again, not backwards like has happened with Career Politician Scott Walker.
Dump Citizens United
Dump Walker
Legalize ganja
Troll, there is a big difference between labor unions and corporations. Unions have democratically elected officers (secret ballots, one vote per member, and a choice of candidates), but officers of corporations are chosen by the corporation itself. Corporate elections have no secret ballot, give some shareholders millions of times more votes than others, and—99.99% of the time—don’t even give shareholders a choice of candidates—the only candidates for directors are those chosen by the directors themselves.