Mobile Bike Hub Unveiled
It will provide bicycle parts, maintenance help, and safety lessons for three south-side neighborhoods.
This past weekend neighbors gathered in front of the Pedal Milwaukee Building, 3618 W. Pierce St., to cap off this year’s Bike to Work Week and to take part in the launching of the Mobile Bike Hub. The new service, organized by the Layton Boulevard West Neighbors Association, consists of a tricycle fitted with tools and bicycle supplies and a cyclist / instructor who will offer free workshops on bike safety and maintenance to residents of all ages.
The Mobile Bike Hub will operate in Silver City, Burnham Park and Layton Park and according to a Milwaukee Neighborhood New Service story will be ridden by Jorian Giorno. Giorno told NNS, “It’s been really well received … my expectation is that I will be busy with, at the very least, giving kids the knowledge of how to fix their bikes or get the bikes fixed,”
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How can you not love this effort to promote bike usage and help build community around an activity for all ages.