
Content referencing Gerald Nichol

Federal Judges Hand Down Two Voting Rights Victories For Wisconsinites
Press Release

Federal Judges Hand Down Two Voting Rights Victories For Wisconsinites

This wasn't the only victory for Wisconsinites.

Judge Rules in Favor of One Wisconsin Institute Voter Rights Claims
Press Release

Judge Rules in Favor of One Wisconsin Institute Voter Rights Claims

‘We Argued Gov. Walker Made It Harder for Democrats to Vote and Easier for Republicans to Cheat, and the Judge Agreed’

Op-Ed: State GAB Suffered a “Public Lynching”

State GAB Suffered a “Public Lynching”

Board member and retired judge Thomas Barland blames legislators for distorting facts.

Closing Statements in Federal Voting Rights Case Call for End to Gov. Walker, GOP’s Effort to Rig Elections
Press Release

Closing Statements in Federal Voting Rights Case Call for End to Gov. Walker, GOP’s Effort to Rig Elections

The Real Fraud Has Been Exposed: Politicians Manipulating Rules on Voting to Give Themselves an Unfair Partisan Advantage

The State of Politics: Here Lies the Government Accountability Board
The State of Politics

Here Lies the Government Accountability Board

Whether GAB should be praised or damned depends on who you ask.

The State of Politics: How Republicans Plan to Kill GAB
The State of Politics

How Republicans Plan to Kill GAB

Government Accountability Board will be scrapped in favor of weaker commissions.

Murphy’s Law: John Doe Supported by Many Republicans
Murphy’s Law

John Doe Supported by Many Republicans

Supreme Court candidate James Daley was among many GOP judges and prosecutors involved in alleged "partisan witch hunt."

GAB Judges Return Fire Against Vos

GAB Judges Return Fire Against Vos

They defend GAB leader Kevin Kennedy, criticize Vos and say no legislative changes in ethics and elections board are needed.

Murphy’s Law: Why Republicans Hate Kevin Kennedy
Murphy’s Law

Why Republicans Hate Kevin Kennedy

The GAB director is an “embarrassment,” Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says. Embarrassing to who?

Who Threw Deininger Off the GAB?

Who Threw Deininger Off the GAB?

The rumor is that Walker or Republican legislators are punishing him for his decisions on recall elections.