Content referencing Cynthia Zarazua

7 Places Teaching English Skills To Adults

7 Places Teaching English Skills To Adults

Basic English or as a second language, with work on reading, writing, listening, speaking.

Refugees to Share Cultures at International Holiday Part
Press Release

Refugees to Share Cultures at International Holiday Part

Multicultural performances, potluck are highlights of annual celebration

The Milwaukee Area Refugee Consortium Hosts Milwaukee World Refugee Day 2017
Press Release

The Milwaukee Area Refugee Consortium Hosts Milwaukee World Refugee Day 2017

Mayor Tom Barrett to speak at Milwaukee World Refugee Day 2017

Refugees to share food and culture at annual celebration
Press Release

Refugees to share food and culture at annual celebration

Multicultural performances, potluck are highlights of annual celebration

A School for Refugees

A School for Refugees

Neighborhood House pre-school program teaches Burmese and African refugee children.