Content referencing Barbara Notestein

Senate Fires 8 Evers Appointees, Approves 3 Constitutional Amendments

Senate Fires 8 Evers Appointees, Approves 3 Constitutional Amendments

Senate ends session for year with governor 'apoplectic' over 'petty partisan politics.'

League of Women Voters February 8 Public Issues Forum: Pathways to Criminal Justice Reform

Contribution to Cavalier Johnson of $10

League of Women Voters February 8 Public Issues Forum: Pathways to Criminal Justice Reform
Press Release

League of Women Voters February 8 Public Issues Forum: Pathways to Criminal Justice Reform

Free program will be held in the 1st Floor Conference Center at Summit Place, 6737 W. Washington Street, West Allis.

Elected officials rally behind Rebecca Kiefer in race to be Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge
Press Release

Elected officials rally behind Rebecca Kiefer in race to be Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge

“I am grateful to State Representatives Bowen and Zamarripa, and the other elected officials who have endorsed my campaign thus far.”

Women Lead endorses Rebecca Kiefer in race to be Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge
Press Release

Women Lead endorses Rebecca Kiefer in race to be Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge

“I am honored to have the support of Women Lead and to be among the amazing women they have rallied behind.”

Women Lead endorses Judge Jill Karofsky for WI Supreme Court
Press Release

Women Lead endorses Judge Jill Karofsky for WI Supreme Court

“Jill has the depth of experience and commitment to our values that we look for in a candidate.”

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to Nik Kovac of $20

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to Patricia Najera of $25

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $20

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum
Press Release

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

After her opponent this week jumped to the Branch 31 race, Connolly is widely seen as the prohibitive favorite to be the next judge in Branch 44.

Jonathan Brostoff announces candidacy for Wisconsin State Assembly

Contribution to Nik Kovac of $50

Jonathan Brostoff announces candidacy for Wisconsin State Assembly
Press Release

Jonathan Brostoff announces candidacy for Wisconsin State Assembly

New Leadership for a New Milwaukee

How to Improve the City’s Quality of Life

How to Improve the City’s Quality of Life

South side organizer helps implement improvement plans in several neighborhoods.

Making the City Safer

Making the City Safer

Safe & Sound honors neighborhood leaders who make Milwaukee a safer place.

Washington Park Wins $600,000 Anti-Crime Grant

Washington Park Wins $600,000 Anti-Crime Grant

Two non-profits will work with the Milwaukee Police Department on strategies to reduce crime in the neighborhood.