Content referencing Amy Hall

Public Housing Residents Take New Tack In Getting HACM’s Attention

Public Housing Residents Take New Tack In Getting HACM’s Attention

Members of Common Ground campaign have tried repeatedly to speak at agency's board meetings.

Housing Authority Has Waitlist Three Times Larger Than Its Affordable Housing Supply

Housing Authority Has Waitlist Three Times Larger Than Its Affordable Housing Supply

Individuals who qualify should still apply, as some lists operate as lotteries.

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Members of Americans for Prosperity, American Majority and John Birch Society have their hands in the campaign.

Financial Education Class Helps Poorer Residents

Financial Education Class Helps Poorer Residents

150 graduates this year of city and WWBIC program for those with public housing, rent assistance.