Central Standard Crafthouse & Kitchen Now Serving Weekday Lunch & Sunday Brunch
$300 to Change a Kid’s Life? It’s True!

$300 to Change a Kid’s Life? It’s True!

City Champs prepares expansion of free martial arts training for youths to city’s northwest side

In recognition of Veterans Day

In recognition of Veterans Day

Statement of Common Council President Cavalier Johnson November 11, 2021

DNR Announces $320,000 In Funding To Reduce Diesel Engine Emissions
Earnell Lucas Statement on Senator Ron Johnson’s Radical and Conspiratorial Calls for Election Takeover

Earnell Lucas Statement on Senator Ron Johnson’s Radical and Conspiratorial Calls for Election Takeover

Johnson calls for legislative Republicans to unilaterally take over federal elections in state

The Friends of the Domes Names Christa Beall Diefenbach as Its New Executive Director
Chairwoman Nicholson Named a 2021 Milwaukee Area Power Broker
Broad Coalition of Wisconsin Leaders Endorses Jessica Katzenmeyer for Congress
Gov. Evers Announces “Hometown for the Holidays” for the 2021 State Capitol Holiday Tree
Mayor Barrett and Common Ground Announce City of Milwaukee Joining National Gun Safety Consortium
Fitzgerald Joins Delegation in Recognizing Wisconsin’s Veteran Mentorship Programs
MPD Arrests Suspect Regarding the Shooting of a Housing Authority Employee