
DNR Secretary Cole announces additional appointments to leadership team

DNR Secretary Cole announces additional appointments to leadership team

Todd Ambs has been named DNR Assistant Deputy Secretary.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Trump Administration to Pay Federal Workers Affected by the Shutdown Immediately

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Urges Trump Administration to Pay Federal Workers Affected by the Shutdown Immediately

"This government shutdown made it clearer than ever just how dedicated civil servants are to their jobs, and how vital those jobs are to the nation."

Governor Evers declares State of Emergency in response to dangerous winter storm and cold

Governor Evers declares State of Emergency in response to dangerous winter storm and cold

Temperatures will fall below zero Monday night and wil

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Back Pay Fairness Act to Reimburse Federal Workers — with Interest

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Supports Back Pay Fairness Act to Reimburse Federal Workers — with Interest

"It’s only fair that if the federal government can charge you interest for being late on your taxes, then it should be paying interest on late paychecks."

Abele Declares Snow Emergency for Milwaukee County Employees Sunday Night Through Monday Evening

Abele Declares Snow Emergency for Milwaukee County Employees Sunday Night Through Monday Evening

Non-essential services of Milwaukee County government, including circuit courts, will be closed for business on Monday

The “Great Negotiator” Yields to the Will of the People and Re-Opens Federal Government

The “Great Negotiator” Yields to the Will of the People and Re-Opens Federal Government

"The damage President Trump has inflicted cannot be undone and should not be forgotten."

Johnson: Schumer Needs to Explain Why Air Traffic Controllers Aren’t Being Paid

Schumer Needs to Explain Why Air Traffic Controllers Aren’t Being Paid

"I feel terrible for the air traffic controllers and the many other federal employees who have been working through the shutdown."

Johnson, Shaheen to Introduce Resolution Congratulating North Macedonia, Greece on Renaming Agreement

Johnson, Shaheen to Introduce Resolution Congratulating North Macedonia, Greece on Renaming Agreement

"I applaud Athens and Skopje for peacefully resolving their naming dispute."

We Have a Moral Obligation to Expand Medicaid

We Have a Moral Obligation to Expand Medicaid

"Yesterday’s poll showed what those of us who have been listening to our constituents for years have long known: Wisconsinites want to expand Medicaid."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Resolution to Recognize Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Resolution to Recognize Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day

Tax credit for workers gives financial boost to millions of Americans and their families, including more than 350,000 Wisconsinites

Neubauer Campaign Announces New Endorsements

Neubauer Campaign Announces New Endorsements

"This is an unprecedented show of support from across Wisconsin that bridges both parties..."

Council Committee strongly backs creation of city Board of Health

Council Committee strongly backs creation of city Board of Health

The full Common Council is scheduled to take action on the legislation when it meets on Tuesday, February 5 at 9 a.m. in the third floor Council Chamber at City Hall, 200 E. Wells St.