Attorney General Kaul Statement on the Verdict in Wisconsin v. Rittenhouse
<em>The Nutcracker</em> leaps back onto the stage this holiday season
Supervisor Taylor Statement on the Rittenhouse Verdict
‘We Have Two Different Justice Systems’

‘We Have Two Different Justice Systems’

Chairwoman Nicholson Statement on the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

FPC action a step forward for Milwaukee

FPC action a step forward for Milwaukee

Statement of Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs November 19, 2021

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Statement on the Verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
Fire and Police Commission has more power than the State Legislature
Statement on the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Verdict

Statement on the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Verdict

Common Council President Cavalier Johnson November 19, 2021

Gov. Evers Releases Statement Regarding Rittenhouse Verdict
Clean Wisconsin Applauds House Passage of Largest Effort to Fight Climate Change in American History
Justice Was Never an Option

Justice Was Never an Option

Supervisor Ryan Clancy statement on Kyle Rittenhouse verdict

DHS Announces $2 Million in Funding to Help Wisconsinites Access Affordable Health Insurance