
Realities of Anti-Shackling Bill Evoke Emotion

Realities of Anti-Shackling Bill Evoke Emotion

Shackling is the practice of using chains to restrain pregnant women, during labor and after delivery.

Opposition to streetcar gains stronger foothold

Opposition to streetcar gains stronger foothold

Statement of Alderman Tony Zielinski August 14, 2019

Gov. Evers Announces Appointments to the Board of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Gov. Evers Announces Appointments to the Board of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

“I am pleased to appoint Patty, Dan, and Carla to the DATCP Board.”

Questions About Brian Hagedorn’s Ability to Fairly Serve All Remain Unanswered

Questions About Brian Hagedorn’s Ability to Fairly Serve All Remain Unanswered

Bigoted Views, Affiliations With Hate Group and Conflicts of Interest Cast Cloud Over Newest Member of State High Court

Wisconsin Assembly Republicans Abandon the Americans with Disabilities Act

Wisconsin Assembly Republicans Abandon the Americans with Disabilities Act

"This isn’t simply a legal mandate, it is a moral one."

Lipscomb Applauds Work of Domes Task Force

Lipscomb Applauds Work of Domes Task Force

The Domes Task Force voted Tuesday night to endorse a business plan for restoring the Domes, expanding programming, and adding several amenities to Mitchell Park.

Rep. Shankland: Republican So-called “Campus Free Speech” Bill Likely To Do Just The Opposite
Rep. Shankland

Republican So-called “Campus Free Speech” Bill Likely To Do Just The Opposite

"I’m especially concerned about the far-reaching impact this legislation could have on freedom of speech on campus."

Supervisor Taylor Supports Young Artists

Supervisor Taylor Supports Young Artists

"I applaud them for using their civil rights to protect the rights of others with this important work."

Donald Trump’s Administration Laughs in the Face of Struggling Farmers

Donald Trump’s Administration Laughs in the Face of Struggling Farmers

Exports continue to fall, forcing farms to close their doors, manufacturers to lay off workers, and small businesses to stop expanding.

Republican State Legislators Offer White Nationalism Protection Act

Republican State Legislators Offer White Nationalism Protection Act

With Nationalism on the Rise GOP Threatens Students Protesting Hate Speech on Campuses With Suspensions, Expulsion and Lawsuits

Gov. Evers Appoints Angeline Winton as Washburn County Circuit Court Judge
Attorney General Kaul Joins Lawsuit Against Trump’s Dirty Power Rule

Attorney General Kaul Joins Lawsuit Against Trump’s Dirty Power Rule

"Climate change is not only real; it’s a crisis."