
DAGA & Democratic Attorneys General Respond to the Attack on the U.S. Capitol
Desperate Republican Attempt to Retain Power Spurs Attack on U.S. Capitol
Supervisors Denounce Anti-Democratic Coup Attempt in Washington D.C.
Rep. Robyn Vining Condemns Insurrection at U.S. Capitol
Statement on Political Violence in Washington D.C.
Sheriff Earnell R. Lucas Statement on the Breach of the U.S. Capitol Building
Sen. Larson statement on treasonous U.S. Capitol mob in support of Pres. Trump
Gov. Evers Releases Statement on Events in Washington D.C.
Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley Statement on the Deliberate Disruption of the Peaceful Transfer of Federal Executive Power
Chairwoman Nicholson Statement on Attack on U.S Capitol Building
Actions occurring in Washington, D.C. can only be described as despicable

Actions occurring in Washington, D.C. can only be described as despicable

Statement of Common Council President Cavalier Johnson January 6, 2021

Rep. Bowen Statement on Trump-Fuelled Uprising in Washington, DC

Rep. Bowen Statement on Trump-Fuelled Uprising in Washington, DC

“This is Rebellion, This is Treason, This is Terrorism, and It Cannot Stand”