“Sponsor a Bublr Bike” Campaign Announced
Individuals and corporations can sponsor individual Bublr Bikes. Wheel & Sprocket first supporter of program.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Bublr BikesMKE Plays offering summer jobs to youths and providing meals at new playgrounds
News release from Alderman Michael J. Murphy
Jun 9th, 2016 by Ald. Michael MurphyPocan, House Democrats Call on President Obama to Expand LGBT Protections in the Trans-Pacific Partnership
While negotiators attempted to make progress on various human rights issues through the TPP, the agreement does not include protections for LGBT individuals.
Jun 9th, 2016 by U.S. Rep. Mark PocanMartha De La Rosa Joins Wisconsin Jobs Now as Executive Director
De La Rosa comes to Wisconsin Jobs Now with nearly two decades of experience as an activist and leader in the fight for social and economic justice.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Wisconsin Jobs NowSen. Johnson Votes No on Combating Opioid Addiction and Fighting Zika, Again
Johnson voted no on the Reed-Mikulski Amendment.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Democratic Party of WisconsinSenior Assembly Representative Might Lose Place on Ballot in Fall Election
Challenger Seeks to Knock Incumbent Out of the Race in Crowded Field
Jun 9th, 2016 by Edgar LinGovernor Walker Appoints Judge Mac Davis and Judge Robert Kinney to Ethics Commission
Both majority and minority party leadership submitted three names each. Two of the minority party’s nominees withdrew their names from consideration.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Gov. Scott WalkerHunger Task Force Awarded $100,000 Federal Grant to Support Fresh Picks Mobile Market
The Mobile Market is stocked with only healthy foods and includes 40+ varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables, and 10+ high-grade meat and dairy items.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Hunger Task ForceCiclovía MKE, South Side Bicycle Day, to feature car-free streets in Walker’s Point
Side Bicycle Day will provide free children’s helmets and will raffle off more than 600 bicycles and bike locks.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Common Council President Jose PerezNomad Biergarten (Finally) Opens
The patio opened just in time for the USA soccer match on Friday June 3rd after a frenetic opening schedule.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Nomadic Ventures IncMPS’ Pulaski High School earns International Baccalaureate candidate status
Preparing to become MPS' eighth IB school
Jun 9th, 2016 by Milwaukee Public SchoolsJackson Park Farmers Market Starts June 9
The farmers market will feature fresh fruits, vegetables and plants along with a food truck and prepared food.
Jun 9th, 2016 by Jackson Park Community Association