“My Age of Innovation”

“My Age of Innovation”

WAWM Summer Talent Review Exhibit at Inspiration Studios

Taking “Home” out of Home Rule

Taking “Home” out of Home Rule

Joint Statement from All Members of the Common Council

U.S. Rep Moore on Brexit Vote

U.S. Rep Moore on Brexit Vote

"While it’s too soon to project just how this will impact Wisconsin, it is clearly an unwelcome blow to our economy, at least in the short-term."

City of Milwaukee Tow Lot Service Hours Extended on Saturdays
15 New Communities Accepted into WEDC Downtown Revitalization Program

15 New Communities Accepted into WEDC Downtown Revitalization Program

Program will help communities revitalize downtown and urban commercial districts

Marquette biomedical sciences professor receives university’s highest teaching honor

Marquette biomedical sciences professor receives university’s highest teaching honor

Teaching Excellence Awards are the highest honor bestowed upon Marquette University faculty members.

MTEA Stands in Solidarity with the Teachers and Students of Oaxaca

MTEA Stands in Solidarity with the Teachers and Students of Oaxaca

We are witnessing international resistance against attacks on public education and attempts by states to strip away rights.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Workplace Protections

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Workplace Protections

Vance v. Ball State University has made it more difficult for workers to receive justice when they are harassed by their supervisors at work

New Report Shows What We Have Always Known: Scott Walker’s Economy Isn’t About Helping Everyday Wisconsinites
New Report Shows What We Have Always Known

Scott Walker’s Economy Isn’t About Helping Everyday Wisconsinites

Report shows under Scott Walker and the Republican's control from 2009 to 2013, the top 1% saw their incomes grow by 12%, while the other 99% only saw a 4.7% increase in their incomes

Update regarding Opportunity Schools and Partnership Plan (OSPP)
Governor Walker Releases Statement on U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision on Unconstitutional Executive Lawmaking
Statement on Milwaukee Residency Requirement Ruling

Statement on Milwaukee Residency Requirement Ruling

“Decisions regarding residency requirements should be left to local communities to make.”