Kaul calls Schimel’s expanded investigation into now-defunct GAB unjustified

Kaul calls Schimel’s expanded investigation into now-defunct GAB unjustified

Kaul says investigation is "yet another waste of our tax dollars by our current AG"

Bembenek joins Interstate Roof Systems Consultants as Sr. Project Manager

Bembenek joins Interstate Roof Systems Consultants as Sr. Project Manager

Second-generation roofing professional brings 17 years of experience in waterproofing & roofing maintenance

Wisconsin Republicans Doing Nothing to Solve State’s $24 Billion Student Loan Crisis

Wisconsin Republicans Doing Nothing to Solve State’s $24 Billion Student Loan Crisis

Democratic Student Loan Refinancing Bill Would Help Hundreds of Thousands of Borrowers at No Net Cost to Taxpayers

Fond du Lac business wins Main Street Makeover Contest

Fond du Lac business wins Main Street Makeover Contest

Annie’s Fountain City Café to receive up to $10,000 to help give restaurant a new look

Teachers Union Slams Backdoor Raises to MPS Administrators: Union demands transparency and accountability
Teachers Union Slams Backdoor Raises to MPS Administrators

Union demands transparency and accountability

"While the MPS Administration showers money on MPS administrators, classroom educators, saddled with increasing demands, are asked to take a step back in pay this year."

A note of thanks to the Red Cross

A note of thanks to the Red Cross

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan - January 3, 2018

Red Cross makes the right call

Red Cross makes the right call

Statement of Alderman Khalif J. Rainey - January 3, 2018

Alderman Witkowski says proposed hotel would diminish quality of life

Alderman Witkowski says proposed hotel would diminish quality of life

News release from Alderman Terry L. Witkowski

Bucks and Cousins Subs Bring Back ‘Super Sub’ Promotion for Third Consecutive Season

Bucks and Cousins Subs Bring Back ‘Super Sub’ Promotion for Third Consecutive Season

Wisconsin-based Cousins Subs first joined the roster of Bucks corporate partners two seasons ago.

MPS Gives $100,000 in Pay Raises Without Board Approval

MPS Gives $100,000 in Pay Raises Without Board Approval

None of these raises have been officially reported to the school board.

Rep. Adam Jarchow’s Allies Promote Poor Shaming While Candidate for State Senate Seeks to Feather His Own Nest
Wisconsin Middle Schoolers to Compete in STEM Forward’s Future City Regional, Saturday, January 13