2nd group of Project Pitch It entrepreneurs announced

2nd group of Project Pitch It entrepreneurs announced

Season 3 debuts Saturday, February 9

New Questions About Robin Vos, GOP’s Lame Duck Law Changes As Foxconn Scales Back Wisconsin Operation

New Questions About Robin Vos, GOP’s Lame Duck Law Changes As Foxconn Scales Back Wisconsin Operation

GOP Grabbed Control of Agency Overseeing Deal, Reduced Accountability Before Foxconn Suggests ‘Modifications’ to Biggest Ever State Subsidy of Foreign Corporation

Foxconn Breaks Promises Again

Foxconn Breaks Promises Again

"Wisconsin Republicans should have known better."

Shilling Statement on Foxconn Fiasco

Shilling Statement on Foxconn Fiasco

"The Walker administration and legislative Republicans failed to put in place stronger safeguards to hold Foxconn accountable and protect Wisconsin taxpayers."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Paycheck Fairness Act to Close Gender Wage Gap

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Reintroduce Paycheck Fairness Act to Close Gender Wage Gap

Paycheck Fairness Act would strengthen and close loopholes in the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and ensure women are paid what they deserve

One Wisconsin Now and Institute Announce New Executive Director

One Wisconsin Now and Institute Announce New Executive Director

Analiese Eicher Hired as New Head of Wisconsin Progressive Research and Communications Organization

Youth Justice Milwaukee: “We need action, not excuses.”
Youth Justice Milwaukee

“We need action, not excuses.”

"Delaying the closure of Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake is unacceptable."

WJI supports expunction reform initiative

WJI supports expunction reform initiative

"It is much-needed and positive legislation."

Governor Evers Declares State of Emergency, Closes State Office Buildings

Governor Evers Declares State of Emergency, Closes State Office Buildings

Extreme wind chill values at -30 to -50 degrees below zero mixed with heavy snowfall present imminent threats and dangerous, life-threatening conditions.

DSPS Secretary-Designee Crim Announces Additional Leadership Team Appointments

DSPS Secretary-Designee Crim Announces Additional Leadership Team Appointments

Crim said she would announce additional appointments as they are made.

Dangerous cold can enhance conditions for black ice

Dangerous cold can enhance conditions for black ice

Along with extreme cold, blowing snow and bitter winds, add black ice to the already dangerous driving conditions.

Abele Declares Winter Weather Emergency for Milwaukee County Employees Wednesday and Thursday

Abele Declares Winter Weather Emergency for Milwaukee County Employees Wednesday and Thursday

Non-essential services of Milwaukee County government, including circuit courts and County Board, will be closed for business on Wednesday and Thursday