Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch Joins “We Did Build It!” Event Line-up
CRG Network is proud to announce that Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch will join U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, Wall Street Journal and Fox News Economist Stephen Moore, and Heartland Institute Joseph Bast at the “We Did Build It!” event.
Sep 17th, 2012 by CRG NetworkState funds for BMO/Harris Bradley Center helpful; others could also be helped
In my view, I do not see this move as a flip flop on the part of the Governor .
Sep 14th, 2012 by Ald. Michael MurphyCouncil members set for NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner
The theme of this year’s event is “Reform, Restore, Refocus: Your Power, Your Decision-VOTE.”
Sep 14th, 2012 by Press ReleaseStatewide, School District Reserves Continue to Climb
Though Some Districts See Falling Fund Balances
Sep 13th, 2012 by Wisconsin Taxpayers AllianceEverest College Impending Closure No Surprise
Everest, part of Corinthian Colleges, Inc. is a project that I and several other community stakeholders consistently and firmly opposed from the beginning.
Sep 10th, 2012 by Ald. Milele CoggsProtests at Palermo’s not good for business
Future business grand openings in Milwaukee could depend on it.
Sep 6th, 2012 by State Rep. Bob DonovanState-Imposed Limits Slow Property Tax Growth in 2012
Final Figures Show Statewide Property Taxes Increased 0.2%
Sep 5th, 2012 by Wisconsin Taxpayers AllianceDeclining Enrollments Endanger Future of Rural Schools
Rural school districts will be under serious pressure in the next few years if declining enrollment is not addressed in school funding formulas.
Aug 30th, 2012 by Wisconsin Taxpayers AlliancePosition on Parks District / Commission
I have decided to take a position on the concept of a Parks District / Commission. Here is my response to one of the supporters of the concept who discussed the idea with me earlier in the year
Aug 23rd, 2012 by Sup. Deanna AlexanderPublic should pay attention to AG’s Voter ID Law effort
Statement of Alderwoman Milele A. Coggs
Aug 22nd, 2012 by Ald. Milele CoggsWisconsin High on State Funding of Local Governments – Local “Returns” on Taxes Paid Vary Widely by Municipality, County
MADISON— For every dollar state taxpayers send to Madison, 67¢ goes to local governments, schools, and property taxpayers, and not to running state agencies and programs.
Aug 20th, 2012 by Wisconsin Taxpayers AllianceCandidates should make position known on Disclose Act
American politics today is bursting at the seams with money, and most of it is donated anonymously. That lack of transparency is troubling to Alderman Michael J. Murphy and to members of the Common Council.
Aug 17th, 2012 by Ald. Michael Murphy