
Congresswoman Gwen Moore endorses Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm

Congresswoman Gwen Moore endorses Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm

“John Chisholm has worked tirelessly for a decade to keep our community safe and to advocate for sensible criminal justice reform,” said Congresswoman Gwen Moore.

Scott Walker’s WEDC proposes gag order on board members

Scott Walker’s WEDC proposes gag order on board members

After years of failure, Scott Walker and WEDC have come up with a solution - hide.

WEAC recommends Representative Josh Zepnick in 9th Assembly District

WEAC recommends Representative Josh Zepnick in 9th Assembly District

Wisconsin students need legislators who stand up for their public schools, teachers say

Homeland Security Measures Supported by Senator Baldwin Pass Senate and Move to the President’s Desk
County to Lose $4 Million on GO Pass

County to Lose $4 Million on GO Pass

Supervisor Alexander Supports Immediate Fix to Flawed Program

County Executive Chris Abele endorses DA John Chisholm

County Executive Chris Abele endorses DA John Chisholm

“I am proud to endorse District Attorney John Chisholm,” said County Executive Chris Abele.

MacIver Institute Joins National Coalition in Defense of Free Speech

MacIver Institute Joins National Coalition in Defense of Free Speech

The effort of these 19 Senators to stifle the First Amendment rights of their political adversaries is breathtaking and should infuriate every American citizen,” said Brett Healy, president of the MacIver Institute.

Democratic Party Unified As Republican Party Continues To Fracture Even Further

Democratic Party Unified As Republican Party Continues To Fracture Even Further

Senator Bernie Sanders Formally Endorses Secretary Hillary Clinton For President

Coming Soon: More Right Wing Litigation
Coming Soon

More Right Wing Litigation

Starring newly formed Center for Competitive Federalism

Senate Colleagues to Request Sen. Ron Johnson Do His Job, Vote to Fill Longest Running Federal Judicial Vacancy in the Nation

Senate Colleagues to Request Sen. Ron Johnson Do His Job, Vote to Fill Longest Running Federal Judicial Vacancy in the Nation

‘Time for Sen. Johnson to Show He Understands That Courts Matter And Do His Job’

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Goes to Senate Floor to Call for Unanimous Consent on Schott Nomination to 7th Circuit Court

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Goes to Senate Floor to Call for Unanimous Consent on Schott Nomination to 7th Circuit Court

Today marks the 2,378th day of vacancy, the longest-standing federal circuit court vacancy in the country

Sen. Ron Johnson Ought to be Apologizing Instead of Bragging About Record on Student Loan Debt

Sen. Ron Johnson Ought to be Apologizing Instead of Bragging About Record on Student Loan Debt

Actions That ‘Stabilized’ Borrowers’ Interest Rates Include Locking Borrowers Into Higher Interest Rates With Votes Against Common Sense Refinancing Plan