State Sen. Jennifer Shilling
Press Release

Another “Ho-Ho-Horrible” Jobs Report

Wisconsin’s 110,000 jobs deficit grows after another dismal jobs report

By - Dec 5th, 2017 02:01 pm

MADISON, WI – Another dismal jobs report brings bad news for families already feeling the pinch this holiday season. The national ‘Gold Standard’ jobs report released this week marks the 6th straight year Wisconsin has trailed the nation in job creation and represents one of the longest periods of economic stagnation in Wisconsin history. Gov. Walker’s policies have slowed Wisconsin’s economy over the past six years and resulted in 110,000 fewer jobs than what would have been created had the state kept pace with the national average.

“Wisconsin working families are paying the price for Gov. Walker’s dismal economic record as they struggle with student loan debt, child care costs and health care premiums,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse). “Over the last six years, Republicans have cut wages, outsourced jobs and stripped away worker rights. Rather than growing our middle class and investing in Wisconsin jobs, Gov. Walker continues to prioritize tax breaks for the wealthy and massive giveaways to foreign corporations.”

Job creation in Wisconsin has declined sharply since Gov. Walker took office. The state dropped below average for job creation in 2011 and has trailed the national rate in every economic quarter since the creation of Gov. Walker’s Economic Development Corporation and the historic Republican cuts to Wisconsin schools. A recent report showed Wisconsin’s sluggish economic performance over the past six years has cost the state more than 100,000 jobs when compared with the national average.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

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  1. scott says:

    Wisconsin’s estimated unemployment rate last month dropped to a 17-year low of 3.2%, down from 3.4% in March and well below the peak of 9.2% late in 2009 in the worst days of the Great Recession.

    Really Jennifer !?

  2. Adam says:


    I know the Walker camp likes to haul out the unemployment rate everytime a job discussion comes up. A low unemployment rate means that those living here and looking for work are able to find it.
    The state having a low job growth rate in the face of an expanding economy means that the state is having difficulty convincing 2 and 4 year grads to stay here and convincing workers out of state to move here. In other words, WI is not currently providing a persuasive argument to come and live here. If that can’t be blamed on the state leadership in complete control for the last 8 years than who should we blame it on?
    A desperate $4 billion dollar give away to a foreign corporation coupled with a 6 million dollar plea for Chicagoans to move here is not going to solve the problem.

  3. jerry person says:

    the dicktaster scooter walker has no respect for the state constitution or the federal one. The bill of rights he thinks gives him permission to harm children. fact the courts said drug testing was unconstitutional . From his election to this is there anything scooter ha not lied cheated or stole from ? next Wisconsin will be open about the republicans child sex rings Scooter runs.

  4. jerry person says:

    Walker runs a child sex ring in Lincoln hills child prison. Walkers malargo.

  5. jerry person says:

    WHY did street walker buy jobs at 3 million per job if we have jobs ? republicans fear the facts all roy moore folks.
    Roy moore sister Rose moore is Scooters god mother. Scooter was baptized at a ALEC meeting with his lord god and savior david Koch there.,

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