Content referencing William Andrekopoulos

Murphy’s Law: Does MPS Need To Be Reorganized?
Murphy’s Law

Does MPS Need To Be Reorganized?

Crisis points to potential problems with school system’s financial oversight.

K-12: How Will School Board Hire New Superintendent?

How Will School Board Hire New Superintendent?

What's the likely process and how were past decisions made?

Rep. Donovan Proposes Plan Forward for MPS
K-12 Education: MPS Makes the Case for Referendum
K-12 Education

MPS Makes the Case for Referendum

Principals say they need funding to maintain their schools' current operations.

K-12 Education: Is Building Surplus a Factor in MPS Referendum?
K-12 Education

Is Building Surplus a Factor in MPS Referendum?

Critics charge it is. But how much money could be saved by closing more buildings?

High Rate of Turnover for School Superintendents

High Rate of Turnover for School Superintendents

Some superintendents leap frog from district to district, advancing their career or salary.

Data Wonk: Why Is City’s Student Achievement So Low?
Data Wonk

Why Is City’s Student Achievement So Low?

NAEP results show notable progress in Chicago, but discouraging results here.

Murphy’s Law: The MPS Agency Superintendents Hate
Murphy’s Law

The MPS Agency Superintendents Hate

Efficiency office created in 2010 reports to board members. But is it needed?