Content referencing Steve O’Connell

Op Ed: You Can Help Stop Reckless Driving
Op Ed

You Can Help Stop Reckless Driving

The city has a problem. Concerned citizens can help solve it.

Police Relations in Sherman Park Still An Issue

Police Relations in Sherman Park Still An Issue

Capt. Willie Murphy of District 7 is working to rebuild trust in the neighborhood.

Most Dangerous Intersection in the State?

Most Dangerous Intersection in the State?

Community activists push for safer driving in area of 35th and Capitol.

Automated Technology Targets Reckless Drivers

Automated Technology Targets Reckless Drivers

Rep. Crowley’s bill creates pilot program in city, supported by 11 council members.

Court Watch: Police Suddenly Giving More Traffic Tickets
Court Watch

Police Suddenly Giving More Traffic Tickets

Tickets up in August, September, after declining for years.

Sherman Park Residents Bash Station Owner

Sherman Park Residents Bash Station Owner

Some favor rebuild of gas station. But many point to longtime problems.

Small Grants Program Has Big Impact

Small Grants Program Has Big Impact

Community Connections program gives grants to 57 projects in many different neighborhoods.