Content referencing Robert Milbourne

Murphy’s Law: The Remarkable Growth Of The GMC
Murphy’s Law

The Remarkable Growth Of The GMC

Julia Taylor grew the budget and staff and grants. But what exactly was accomplished?

House Confidential: Julia Taylor’s East Side Chateau
House Confidential

Julia Taylor’s East Side Chateau

The GMC leader lives in a home long occupied and greatly modified -- with lots of plumbing! -- by Fred and Joan Kessler.

Murphy’s Law: Why Did Chief Jones Protect a Man With a Violent Record?
Murphy’s Law

Why Did Chief Jones Protect a Man With a Violent Record?

Earlier this week, Milwaukee Police Chief Jones used his power to protect Wendell Jones, the husband of County Supervisor Elizabeth Coggs-Jones.

Murphy’s Law: Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys
Murphy’s Law

Rally ‘Round the Convention Center, Boys

It was a mere three years ago that the Midwest Express Center opened, as a state-of-the-art solution to the city's convention needs.

Murphy’s Law: How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes
Murphy’s Law

How Sen. Kohl Will Profit From Your Taxes

Everybody knows the Milwaukee Bucks are losing money.

Murphy’s Law: Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks
Murphy’s Law

Milwaukee Goes Crazy for Research Parks

Wisconsin is supposed to be suffering from a brain drain, and southeast Wisconsin is said to lack the kind of high technology industries you find in a research park.