Content referencing Paul Mathewson

New EPA Power Plant Rules Will Save Lives in Wisconsin
Press Release

New EPA Power Plant Rules Will Save Lives in Wisconsin

New standards will slash carbon, coal ash, mercury, contaminated wastewater and other toxic pollution from power plants.

What Will Happen To Wisconsin’s Shuttered Coal Plants?

What Will Happen To Wisconsin’s Shuttered Coal Plants?

Nearly half of Wisconsin's large coal power plants have closed in past two decades.

EPA Proposal Seeks Fix To Unregulated Coal Ash Sites

EPA Proposal Seeks Fix To Unregulated Coal Ash Sites

There are at least 32 sites in Wisconsin that could be impacted.

State’s Cornfields Could Be Solar Stars

State’s Cornfields Could Be Solar Stars

100 times more energy planting solar farms rather than corn for ethanol, report finds.

More energy on less land: Analysis reveals solar farms produce 100 times more energy per acre than corn ethanol
Press Release

More energy on less land: Analysis reveals solar farms produce 100 times more energy per acre than corn ethanol

One million acres of land in Wisconsin is currently used to grow corn for ethanol

Clean Wisconsin calls on EPA to protect Wisconsinites from dangerous leaded aviation fuel
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin calls on EPA to protect Wisconsinites from dangerous leaded aviation fuel

Small, recreational aircraft are the largest source of lead air pollution in Wisconsin. People living near airports that serve small planes are most at risk for exposure.

Wisconsin Third Worst State for Pollution Disparities

Wisconsin Third Worst State for Pollution Disparities

Report by environmental advocacy group analyzes racial disparities in exposure to air pollution.

Study shows Wisconsin has one of the largest racial disparities in the nation for exposure to dangerous air pollution particles
Court Upholds Protection of Rare Wetland

Court Upholds Protection of Rare Wetland

2017 DNR decision under Gov. Walker would have allowed Meteor Timber to fill in Monroe County wetland.

State’s Polluted Drinking Water Causing Cancer?

State’s Polluted Drinking Water Causing Cancer?

Report finds nitrate pollution may cause cancer, birth problems, up to $80 million per year in medical costs.

Murphy’s Law: How Foxconn Will Pollute Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

How Foxconn Will Pollute Wisconsin

And why the company may get away with it.