Content referencing Mary Faydash

Planned Kohler Golf Course Along Lake Michigan Hits Roadblock

Planned Kohler Golf Course Along Lake Michigan Hits Roadblock

Appeals Court upholds judge’s 2019 decision to overturn DNR permit to fill wetlands.

Environmental Groups Want Evers To Block Lakefront Golf Course Land Swap

Environmental Groups Want Evers To Block Lakefront Golf Course Land Swap

Kohler, seeking to build golf course near Lake Michigan, needs land swap with state park.

Op Ed: High Court Leaves Kohler-Andrae At Risk
Op Ed

High Court Leaves Kohler-Andrae At Risk

State Supreme Court decision leaves just one obstacle to land swap for Kohler golf course.

State High Court Throws Out Challenge To Kohler Land Swap

State High Court Throws Out Challenge To Kohler Land Swap

4-3 ruling allows transfer of state park land for a proposed golf course.

Op Ed: The Fight To Save Kohler-Andrae State Park
Op Ed

The Fight To Save Kohler-Andrae State Park

Herb Kohler’s golf course would grab a huge chunk of it. Environmentalists are fighting this.

Judge Rules Against Kohler Golf Course

Judge Rules Against Kohler Golf Course

Concludes DNR permit to fill wetland invalid, significant environmental damage could be caused.

DNR Staff Pressured On Kohler Golf Course?

DNR Staff Pressured On Kohler Golf Course?

Former employee says staff were pushed to approve development that will hurt area’s rare dunes, wetlands.