Content referencing Kevin Mathewson

Kenosha Residents Denounce Board Appointments Connected To 2020 Unrest

Kenosha Residents Denounce Board Appointments Connected To 2020 Unrest

Two members of equity commission resigned in protest. Appointes include those with connections to Kyle Rittenhouse, earlier police shootings.

Kenosha Appointees Fuel Controversy

Kenosha Appointees Fuel Controversy

Militia leader, Rittenhouse attorney and retired cop who killed man in custody serving on county committees.

Kenosha Event Revisits 2020 Unrest

Kenosha Event Revisits 2020 Unrest

Questions, trauma linger. And just how quick was Evers' response?

Federal Legislation Takes on Ghost Guns

Federal Legislation Takes on Ghost Guns

The untraceable firearms have increasingly become a problem in Milwaukee and Wisconsin.

Murphy’s Law: After Rittenhouse, Expect More Vigilantes
Murphy’s Law

After Rittenhouse, Expect More Vigilantes

Self defense laws and lack of gun control at issue. Is reform possible?

One Year After Jacob Blake Shooting Kenosha Seeks Answers

One Year After Jacob Blake Shooting Kenosha Seeks Answers

Still dealing with fallout from police shooting, protests, killing of protestors.

Lawsuit Targets Rittenhouse, Militia, Facebook

Lawsuit Targets Rittenhouse, Militia, Facebook

Federal civil rights lawsuit filed by partner of man killed in Kenosha and three other protesters.

Did Kenosha Cops Push Protesters Toward Militia?

Did Kenosha Cops Push Protesters Toward Militia?

So says militia member after two people killed by armed civilian. Pattern seen in other cities.